Chapter 20

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~Annabel's POV~

"What made you come back?" I asked. Harry and I sat outside on the swing bench. I leaned against his shoulder, with his arm around mine.

"I didn't want to separate from you on such a bad note. When I came back, I saw you and him.." His voice trailed off and I nodded slowly.

"Well, thank you." I finally spoke. We sat in silence, listening to the chirping crickets, and looking at the starry sky. The garden was lit up with tiny lights, and you could see the slight glistening of the small fountain. I thought about Harry's reasoning. It was actually really sweet that he came to set things right with me. Despite Will being there, I think it was a sweet gesture. I wondered what would happen if Harry didn't show up. My mind wandered at the possibilities, but I stopped myself before I could get shooken up even more. It was a pretty scary moment for me. Especially it being Will. Somehow, Harry got me to relax, and stay calm. I'd probably still be freaking out right now, if Harry wasn't next to me. Everytime he touched me, it felt like my body was on fire. He gave me such an alive feeling. I've never felt that way with anyone before. But then, he can make me feel so calm, and carefree. He was special.

"Who was that anyways?" Harry intruded my thoughts. Memories flashed in my mind, and I shuddered. "You don't have to tell me, I was just wonder-"

"It's fine, I'll tell you." I sighed. I haven't revealed this to anyone in years. I don't think I've told anyone about this, actually.


"This is Will, Will, this is Annabel!" Jazz introduced. Jazz was one of my closest friends.

"Hey, nice to meet you." I smiled. I felt his eyes move up and down my body, and I felt extremely uncomfortable.

"And you." He said. I didn't see him at all after that day, until the night of Andy's party.

"Andy!" I ran up to my best guy friend, and wrapped my arms around him.

"Ann!" He smiled cheerfully. "Glad you could make it!"

"Of course! You're my best friend!" I laughed. I walked into the house with him, Lilly and her boyfriend at the time, Troy, following behind. The house was crowded with people, and music blared through every corner of the house. I spoke quick 'hi's' to people that tapped me on the shoulder, or called out my name, as we pushed through the crowd into the kitchen. We made our way towards the living room, and there was Jazz and Will, cuddling on the couch. Opposite of them, was Hilary and Max, and Justice and Luke. Andy and I plopped down on an empty spot, and Lilly and Troy did the same.

"Hey guys," We all chorused. Will kept staring at me, and not taking his eyes off of me. I felt a bit awkward, and it was strange having him look at me. I didn't know if there was something on my face, so I constantly touched it, gently rubbing at my skin. Nothing was there. After a couple of hours, Will got up to use the restroom. Jazz sat on the couch, patiently waiting for him to

come back. A couple of minutes passed, and Will wasn't back. But we heard a sound of glass shattering, and high pitched screams. The whole crew stood up abruptly, and Andy was the first to run to the other room. A small crowd was surrounding Will, who held a broken beer bottle in his hand.

"Fuck this, this is fucking stupid!" He slurred. I saw him holding a beer when I arrived, but I wasn't sure how many he had. Enough to get him drunk, though.

"Dude, calm down. What's going on?" One guy spoke.

"Shut the fuck up, who the hell are you?" He frowned. He was very drunk. He stumbled, and tried to gain balance. Jazz pushed through people, to help Will up from the ground.

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