Chapter 44

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~Harry's POV~

I'm not going to lie, once my eyes landed on Annabel's younger brother, Josh, something clicked. He looked vaguely familiar, and once I thought about it, so did Annabel's parents. I couldn't figure anything out, however, so I just let it go, and wait until it came back to me.

"Harry, help me pick things out." Annabel interrupted my staring into space.

"Just take whatever, you look good in everything." I sat on her bed, and put my hands behind my head before leaning against the headboard. I looked around the room, and it was fucking huge. It looked so modern, and new, and not the way teenage girls' rooms should be. But I guess I liked it better like this, than girly and young. There had to be like 5 different doors, leading to bathrooms, closets, and living areas, all in her own bedroom.

"Seriously, I need help!" Annabel whined, coming out from a closet.

"Okay, I'll help you." I smiled, pushing myself off the bed. I followed her into the closet, which was, again, gigantic for a closet. "Your room is fucking huge." I pointed out.

"Yeah, it's a little too big for my liking. I wish it was cosier." She shrugged, looking around. "Now help me." She ordered. I began opening different drawers, and pulled out pajama pants, and shorts, and t-shirts.

"Here, pack these." I said, handing them to her.

"Harry, these are all stuff to sleep in. I need more than this."

"Come here." I sat on a nearby couch, and pulled her onto my lap. She looked at me, and her eyebrows frowned, but her lips were curved into a smile.

"What is it?"

"I think we should move in together." I breathed out.

"What?" She seemed surprised.

"I'm serious. I mean we spend so much of our time together, and you're always over. You're 19, and you're becoming more mature. We don't have to worry about bringing clothes over, and driving back and forth to pick you up, we're always just, right there, with each other."

"That's not a bad idea." She spoke softly, her face written with thought. "I would say yes, but Harry, what about rent? And food, and furniture? We need to make sure we both have enough money to split every cost evenly. I don't want to have to depend on my parents to lend me money when I need it."

"I'll pay for it. Don't worry about that, just please, let's move in together."

"I don't want to depend on you either! I want to be like an independant woman. You said yourself, that I was maturing. I'm turning 20 soon, and I want to be able to fend for myself, and not have everyone do everything for me." She argued.

"You're turning 20 soon?" I asked. "When?"

"Like, 2 weeks. August 14th!" She smiled cheerfully.

"So, a new place could be your birthday present." I chuckled.

"Harry..." She sighed, her voice serious. "Maybe we're moving too fast. There's no problem for me to keep bringing my stuff over, unless there is one for you."

"No no, it's just- I just want to be alone with you."

"Your mother is barely home." She told me kindly.

"I know, but it doesn't help whenever she's home, and I'm horny."

"Harry!" She scolded, her cheeks turning pink.

"It's true though." I chuckled.

"Okay, how about this. I'll find a job, and when I begin earning money, we will move in together." She suggests, her fingers getting tangled in my curls at the back of my head.

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