Chapter 13

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~Harry's POV~

In the beginning, I went home, furious. I've never been rejected like that before, and it felt even worse coming from Annabel. I stumbled into the house, angry. I cursed under my breath as I walked past the kitchen, ignoring my mum's call. I paced around in my room, thinking. I finally realized, I needed to find her. I couldn't let her slip away. It might be a while before I'd see her again, and I couldn't stand the thought of more than 3 days without seeing her. The 3 days have been agony as it was, and I couldn't let it happen again. I left the house again in a hurry, and started walking. I searched everywhere. In restaurants, in stores, all around the city. I was just about to give up, when I walked past an ice cream parlor. I looked through the glass window, and kept walking, until I realized there was a girl that looked a lot like Annabel. I walked backwards, and looked closer, and sure enough, it was her. She was with another guy. Was he her boyfriend? It made me angry, seeing her with someone else. That could be me. That should be me, with her. She seemed happy. Her smile was beautiful as always, and her face lit up. I felt my angered look relax, as I stared at her. But all that came to an end, when I focused on the guy sitting across from her. In a matter of seconds, I was mad again. I clenched my fists, and pushed the door open, getting a blast of cold air. I stormed over to her, and grabbed her arm. She was so beautiful. Her skin was so soft, so precious. Every little thing about her was so delicate, and perfect. Even the way she got mad. And the way she tried apologizing to the bastard, as I pulled her outside. Her yelling was like music to my ears, but I didn't hear a word she said. I was too busy looking at her pink lips. They were so intriguing. I fought the urge to kiss her. I wanted to, so badly, it was like they were calling my name. And once she spoke 'Harry' I couldn't resist. Before I could stop myself, my hands cupped her face, and I kissed her, right then and there. Her lips were cool, and I could taste the sweetness of the ice cream on her tongue as I brushed it with mine. Her lips were soft, and I wanted to deepen the kiss more, but I fought myself. Not now. Her lips fit with mine, perfectly, and the kiss was one of the best ones I've had, even though it was short and sweet. It was delicate, and I felt a connection. She wasn't like most girls. I didn't feel the way I normally did with girls, when I kissed her. Being the pussy I am, I walked away, without saying another word. Fuck, I left her standing there, alone.

I sat on the couch, alone, staring blankly at the television. I grabbed my phone, and read a text from my mum.

From Mum: Harry, I'll be staying the night at a friend's house. Don't wait up for me. xx

I texted back a quick 'ok' and continued my thoughts on the kiss. The way her lips felt was so soothing to me. So relaxing. She made me forget everything else in the world. She was so unique, so different than the rest. My phone lit up, with a text message on the screen.

From Louis: Party at Zayn's! U coming?

I stared at the text, not knowing how to respond. Was I in the mood for a party? All I could really focus on was Annabel, and it's been like that for several days. I shut my eyes, and massaged my temples with my middle finger. I was stressed, and I didn't feel like doing anything, except keep my mind focused on her. But then again, I haven't seen my friends in a long time, and maybe they were the key to getting my mind off of her.

To Louis: Sure, I'll be over.

I sighed, and pushed myself off the couch, trudging to my bedroom. I pulled on a black v neck, and headed out the door, and drove to Zayn's house.

I arrived at the flat, and could hear the music pounding through the door, even before I got to the front steps. I shoved my way through the sweaty people, and found Niall in the kitchen.

"Harry, you came!" Niall laughed. I smiled.

"Yeah, I just needed to get out of the damn house." I laughed. He chuckled, and led me to the living area, where many more people danced, talked, and drank from plastic red cups. I greeted the people I knew, and took a seat on the couch.

"Hey Harry, you want a drink man?" I looked to the kitchen. A guy named Kyle held up a beer. I nodded, and sighed. Now that I think about it, I really needed one. I was so stressed out. I sat awkwardly between 2 girls that kept giggling and feeling up my chest. I didn't move, or put in any effort to give them the attention they wanted. Kyle came back and handed me the beer. I mumbled a quick thanks and took a sip, the cool liquid running down my throat, instantly relaxing me. I found myself drinking beer after beer, and I felt myself getting wasted, but I didn't care.

"Harry do you want to sit down for a bit?" A soft voice spoke. I thought it was Annabel, which caused me to spin around, and look at her. My eyes turned hard when it wasn't her. It was Sarah. She was the closest thing I've came to love, ever, before Annabel came along, but then again, I wasn't sure if I loved Annabel.

"No," I snapped. "I'm perfectly fine." That was a lie. My vision wasn't exactly perfect at the moment, and I felt like throwing up.

"Harry, you need to sit down." She urged, tugging at my arm.

"No I don't." I slurred, a bit annoyed. I pulled my arm away, and started walking away.

"Harry." She sighed, following me.

"Let's go upstairs then, I can't stand these people." I muttered. I saw her nod, as she followed me up the stairs. I walked into the guest room, and fell onto the bed, as she closed the door behind her.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, standing at the door.

"Come here," I mumbled. She hesitated, before coming closer to me. "Don't be afraid of me, Sarah." I said, grabbing her waist.

"Harry, I can't not be, you caused this." She said, attempting to push me away. I buried my face into her neck, inhaling the scent of vanilla. "Harry, stop." She sighed. She backed away from me, and walked out of the room.

"Damn it!" I cursed, pounding my fist on the bed. Why did I screw up everything? I brought myself downstairs, and looked at the clock. It was 1:03 in the morning. These people never stopped partying. I walked outside, the cool air hitting my face. I climbed into the car, and sat in there, debating whether to drive or not. Fuck it. I started driving, and somehow drove home safely, with only a couple- okay well a lot- of drivers yelling and honking their horns at me. I stumbled into the house, and crashed down on the couch, pulling my phone out, and dialing the only number I knew to call.


Okay so idk if I actually like her as Annabel, but do you think Emily DiDonato would play a good Annabel? give me your thoughts!!

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