Halloween special

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(A/n) this isn't going to be a lot just like what they would do for halloween and what they would dress up as. They're just headcanons but I wanted to do something for spooky season.

s/o= significant other (Meaning boyfriend/girlfriend/partner)


-This boy LOVES Halloween

-Doesn't matter what you're gonna be doing he just likes the Halloween feel

-Buys so much candy and hoards all the blue ones

-He want's to go trick or treating but you tell him that he can't go

- "But WHY?"

-"You can't"

"Why?????" looking like a baby seal with his sad face

-You have to explain he's to old to go, which he's very upset about. And I mean very

-he sulks for like a good 20 minutes while you're standing there like '-_-' because he's a 17 year old boy being upset about not being able to go trick or treating (Sad though ngl)

-He get's over it but then insist on having matching couples costumes

-He also likes Halloween party's though I don't see him staying at them to long, maybe an hour or two. That is if there was a lot of people

-If it was like with the seven, Nico and maybe their s/o's then he'll chill for a while, since they'll most likely watch some movies or play games or something

-Also think ones his sister get's old enough he would love to take her trick or treating

-His favorite candy is sour patch kids, of course the blue ones are his favorite, he'll eat any of them though. Other then orange, he hates those

-He loves decorating a lot

-the Poseidon cabin, his moms house, just camp halfblood in general

-He carves like 30 pumpkins and puts them around his cabin

-he also buys fake skeletons and have them doing dumb stuff

-Like having a tea party or going for a swim

-he prefers funnier Halloween movies

-he get's pretty scared at horror movies

-Sally never let him watch them so he isn't the best with them

-he hides behind you, under his blanket, behind his stuffed animals

-he'd want to dress up as something super cheese

-I also feel like he would dress up as the little mermaid and you're prince eric


-He's pretty neutral about Halloween.

-If you enjoy it he'll dress up with you and everything but I see him as more one of those dudes who genuinely enjoys giving candy out to kids

-He loves to see the little kids being happy and yell "Trick or treat!" he get's like a giddy expression on his face, it's so adorable

-He individually says to each kid "Oh that's such a nice costume!" or "You look great!" Something like that, a lot of the time having to do with the kid's costume

-voted most likely to give out way to much candy to a single kid

- "Okay so we're out of candy."

- "How there's only been like 3 kids?"

- "I know but the last kid that came our said he loved me so I gave him the whole bag."

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