Riodanverse incorect quotes part 2

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Anyway....Imma work on the update this weekend! I finally got new meds so yay!!!!!!

Will: "there is only one thing worse then dying, boom!" *rips paper to show "(y/n) dying"
(Y/n): *gasp* "me"
Will: "Baby, no"

(Used an Oc for this)

Akuma: "I'm cold"
Nico: "oh" *gives them his jacket"
(Y/n): "I'm cold too"
Will: "What? *taking off his coat* I told you to bring more layers but of course you didn't listen! *pulling his scarf on top of you* I have to make sure you don't FREEZE to death! *taking someone's beanie* How long have you been cold? You should've said something sooner!"


Magnus: "Sam it'll be fine, it's just a crush"
(Y/n): "Hi Maggie"
Magnus: "I love you"
Sam: *facepalming*

(Shut up I'm soft for there friendship)
Leo: "I dare you to kiss the next person who enters the room"
Nico: "I'm not kissing anyon-"
(Y/n): *enters room*
Nico: "fiiiiiiiine, OnLy BecAuSe YoU tOlD mE tO"
(Posted here)


(Y/n): "all odd numbers have E in it"
Alex: "it's 3 am baby please go to sleep"
(Y/n): "thrEE"
Alex: *pulls you in a hug to "make you shut up" but it's actually because he/she cares about you and just won't say it*


(Y/n): "if i went missing for a week would you be alarmed?"
Jason: "What?! yes i would be alarmed"
(Y/n): "oh that's nice, i didn't think you'd be alarmed "
Jason: "you're helping make sure all our idiot friends don't die and we've been together for 2 years, of course i would be alarmed...are you ok sweetie?"


(Y/n); "so here's the tea"
Jason: "it's literally the strategy for the ambush"
Percy: "you want the tea or no?"


Y/n:*frantically searching through a first aid kit* "Why did you fill it with Cheetos?!"
Hearth: *bleeding out* I thought it was funny at the time.


Alex: "some people are like slinkies"
(Y/n): "explain"
Alex: "not useful for anything but you get to laugh while you push them done the stairs"
(Y/n): "please don't push Magnus down the stairs"
Alex: "you can't stop me"


(Y/n): "I wish I was a prince(ss)"
Hearthstone: you're my prince(ss) and this is our kingdom
(Y/n): *looks around surrounded by a bunch of rubber ducks* "this kingdom sucks"


(Y/n): "I wish I knew what other people thought about me"
Hearth: i guess so
Hearth: *Internally* I love you, I love you, I'm in love with you so much it's killing me.


(Y/n): *yawns*
Nico: "I guess it's tiring being so pretty, huh?"
(Y/n): "well no wonder you have eyebags, you must be exhausted"
Nico: *stops breathing*


Jason: "So you've been spending a lot of time with (Y/n)"
Percy: "It's not what you think i swear..."
Jason: "Oh, really? So, no reason for me to get jealous?"
Percy: "no you're the only one for me!"
Jason: "is that so...?"
Percy: "I promise! (Y/n) and I are just dating, okay? They're just my s/o."
Jason: "so no best friend feelings involved?"
Percy: You are still my best friend! They're just the love of my life, nothing more!"
Jason: *nodding* "okay"
(Y/n): "what did I just witness?"


The seven + you and Nico: *being loud on the Argo and arguing*
Jason: *to everyone* "wHy DonT wE jUsT ReLaXxXx, TuRn On ThE RaDiO-"


Leo: "I would never trust a person who doesn't run up the stairs after turning off the light. They're not even afraid of satan"
Y/n: "we're Greek..."
Leo: "....they're not even afraid of Gia-"


You: "what's the hardest thing to say?"
Annabeth: "I was wrong"
Nico: "I forgive you"
Jason: "I need help"
Leo: "I'm not okay"
Percy: "Worcestershire sauce"


(Y/n): "Just sounds can't makes you angry"
Percy: *plays wake up alarm sound* "YES THEY CAN"


Alex: "if I were married to you I'd put poison in your coffee"
(Y/n): *while sipping from a cup* "If I were married to you I'd drink it"


Nico: "I don't have the energy for this"
(Y/n): "for what?"
Nico: *gestures in general*


(Y/n): "here's a fun idea: we hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing the person we're caught underneath with, we have to FIGHT them."
Jason: "no (y/n) we're not doing that"
Nico nodding from the corner: "Mistlefoe"


Percy: "you call it a near death experience, i call it a vibe check from the gods"
(y/n): "...I'm gonna call sally"


(Y/n): "try and see things from my perspective!"
Percy: *leans down"

(Before y'all died)

Alex: "when I die donate my entire body to science, except my middle finger"
(Y/n): "why?"
Alex: "send that to my dad"


*at Percys funereal*
(Y/n): "I just need a moment alone with him"
Random person: "of course"
(Y/n): *leans over coffin* "okay listen here you little shit, I know you're not dead"
Percy: "yeah, no shit Sherlock"


(Y/n): *sees someone trying to eat an on fire marshmallow*
(Y/n): "what an idiot"
(Y/n): *realizing its Leo*
(Y/n): "oh no that's my idiot"


Percy: "I put the sexy in dyslexic"
(Y/n): "..."

*this happened to me on Friday with my best friend. He did really ask me this. As a joke of course*

(Y/n): *wearing a binder* *whispers* "I have no boobs today"
Leo: "what, did you loose them?"

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