I stood there for a minute looking at her legs as they shook with impact and her mane of dyed hair glued to her face with sweat. A smile graced her features while she continued ordering Cerberus. Honestly I was proud of her.

"CERBERUS! TRIPLE ATTACK!!" Her soft voice was replaced by a strong, bold one. All three heads of Cerberus attacked at same time with their respective elements.

Smoke filled the room and then the three opponents were thrown out.

While Mariah, Miguel and Enrique examined their blades in shock, Nikita looked up in triumph. Her eyes briefly met mine. My lips formed into a tight lipped smile but she had already looked away.

Miguel, standing beside her, was laughing as he animatedly told her something. She was listening intently until suddenly she burst into a laughter. She placed a hand on his shoulder laughing so hard. I felt like a pervert as my eyes first landed on her boobs while she shook so much, laughing.

I bit my lip telling myself that I had no reason to feel jealous. I had Julia. Moreover, Nikita had promised me the time of one year. She had asked me to stay away from her for an year. 

You are just doing what she had wished for!

"Kai! Up for a match?" I sighed in frustration when I heard someone approach me. I bit back a curse and turned to Michael.

"Why would I battle you of all people Michael?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I'm strong?" I always keep underestimating how cocky this guy can be.

"I see, you haven't still learned what it means to pick your battles carefully," I said, taking out my blade and launcher.

He looked almost too eager to get in a match. For a minute he looked around the gym, surveying the dishes and fiddling with his basketball cap. "That dish!"

I almost sweat dropped when I saw the dish he was pointing to. It was the dish right in front of the one where Mariah, Miriam, Emily, Mathilda, Nikita and Hillary were now assembling.

I looked at him dead in the eye and he simply shrugged and swaggered to the dish. It was a water dish, similar to the one in which I had fought with Spencer. Amidst the battle, he spoke very uncertainly to me.

"Your new member... She was in hospital a while ago wasn't she?" He asked. "How's she now?"

"Why don't you ask her?" I snapped harshly.

"Hey easy there!" He kept his eyes trained on the dish. "I recently heard she's single."


"How old is she?"

Curiosity killed the cat, they say. But, really, who learns anything from age old sayings?

"Almost 16..." I trailed off as a sense of déjà vu gripped me.

"Do you think she would go out with me?" This time before I spoke anything about Nikita that she might not like, I called Dranzer back.

"Kai—!" He looked confused as I flipped him the finger and walked out of the gym. I'd forever be guilty if I repeated the mistakes of past and let some stupid jock near her. Again.

I reflected on the past few months and found something I hate to admit.

We, Nikita and I, are dangerous people.

We are like gunpowder. Safe till we remain near each other. But seeing the another with anyone else triggers us.


The evening sky was cloudy and dismal like the general mood of the people around me. Most of us, i.e. the boys remained quiet. Even Tyson, which is quite a feat. I would've admired the silence even... had it not been for the silent conversation Nikita and Hilary were having a few feet before me.

Now, in my defense I have never had a moral upbringing so I don't have anything against eavesdropping. Some would disapprove, but I'd be dead by now if I listened to what people thought is right. Moreover, with the pin drop silence it wasn't tough to listen to them.

"I really feel sad for Miguel you know?" Nikita said thoughtfully.

"Sorry for Miguel? Why? You do remember he is the one who cheated on the Majestics last year?" Hilary interjected, sounding a little cross.

"Well its just that..." She sighed, slouching her shoulders. "He has such a low esteem. I think he's a cool enough person but you know today when he was with me, Mariah and Enrique. He kept depreciating himself to even make a joke..."

"That's strange? He wasn't like that last year, not that I knew him much." Hilary mumbled.


"But did you see Michael? He was wandering around you all day today. Has been for days." Hilary teased Nikita.

"I did. Guys just don't take the hint that I'm fine being single!"

"Oooh! And what if he asked you on a date?"

"I would agree, of course. Why would I say no to free food or first show of a new movie?" They giggled and then peace was restored once again.

Nikita's POV

I smirked very slightly, but in satisfaction. I was sure Kai had eavesdropped on the entire conversation. It wasn't a Herculean task considering that he was only a feet and half behind us.

I hated how this feeling of vengeance was making me sour. Sour towards all the people I shouldn't be to.

I wanted to hurt Kai. I wanted to make sure his chest hurt everyone he saw me with another guy. I wanted him to convulse slightly whenever he imagined he could lose me.

And I knew exactly how to mess with his mind. I also knew how every straight male salivated at sight of me. Sometimes I thought if Aphrodite had cursed me... Cursed me in a way that one day I would become Medusa. As in everyone would exploit me and then one day no one would come closer to me anymore.

I knew how Brooklyn was always around me, trying to determine if my personality was as good as my looks. I knew Michael had taken an interest in me. I knew how I could hurt Kai by using the others.

And yet in my head and heart I am convinced I would do wrong by hurting him.

Because... I'd hurt myself if I hurt him. But this is a world of sadists and masochists. And how do you decide where the line blurs?

how was this? vote, comment and tell me
Lol I didn't actually break my hiatus by posting this because 1200 words of this were written weeks ago. The rest 400 took forever. Then I forced myself to pen them down too.

~nicole ❤️🤙

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