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A/N: Hi guys, author here. Just a sorry for posting so late and a request. Read the last chapter, or at least last few paragraphs again so you'll remember it. Thanks. Vote, comment and share. Do tell me if you like the recent development at the end of the chapter 

Kai's POV

We settled in our seats and soon the previous thoughts in my mind were dominated by the excitement of the match. The first competitors came out in the stadium from opposite sides. I tried to compare and think about whom would be the winner.

Robert or Spencer?

Both were strong players, without a doubt. Robert seemed like the stronger side but you could never accurately predict what Spencer was going to do. I relaxed, or tried to, in my seat. This match was going to be a hell of fight. It was ancient power of Griffolyon and modern technology of Wolborg placed right in front of each other. In one dish.

"Who do you bet on?" Tyson asked.

"Who do you bet on?" I reflected the question. Our voices had changed to a faster pace and deeper tone. This was probably the only thing I shared with Tyson. Enthusiasm for the sport.

"I'll sound strange, but Robert." He removed his cap and leaned back in the chair. "Robert's determination is something Spencer can't match."

"No, I agree." I said. "I feel quite the same."

"Yeah... Robert will pass out there but he will not accept defeat easily." Ray added reminding me of Tyson and Robert's match in Olympia Dome. Tyson had to practically drag the German out of all the rubble. Tyson, Max and Ray got in a heated discussion about the match tactics. I and Kenny added occasional remarks.

The dish appeared on the stage. I turned my eyes on the LED screen above to get a detailed view of the dish. It was huge and resembled the streets of Venice. There were deep streams of water and thin streets.

Jazzman counted down to one and the blades flew into the dish.

I enjoyed the rush of adrenaline in my body watching the match. The match dragged on without much action for fifteen minutes. Then Spencer became impatient. He put his blade in action.

There was a sudden movement by the German Blader. He'd evidently been waiting for Spencer to become impatient with the toying.

Spencer watched awestruck, as his blade landed swiftly at his feet by one motion of Griffolyon.

The stadium erupted in cheers as Robert walked out victoriously, leaving behind Spencer to look after his now blunt edged blade.

"That puts Majestics in the lead by 1-0!" Jazzman announced as the details of the next players displayed on the screens.

Polanski Oliver (European Champion) v/s Ivanov Tala (Russian Federation Champion)

"My bet is on Tala!" Ray said bitterly. I agreed silently. As much as I hated Tala I knew Oliver wouldn't stay in the dish for longer than ten minutes.

The anticipation grew, however, as Jazzman called, "LET IT RIP!!!"



Two voices echoed at the same time. The blades had barely touched the dish before which the bit beasts appeared. I thought if it was a good move from Oliver's side. Unicolion was huge. If he got control over Wolborg from the beginning maybe they then things could change.

The blades spinned in the dish for a while as the temperature began drooping dangerously until Wolborg attacked. The dish was separated by a wall of ice crystals and Oliver fell back with the impact. Unicolion lay still on the ice while Wolborg was spinning elegantly.

Sugar and Spice [BeyBlade Fan Fiction]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang