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The next morning dawned bright and clear, and with that a day for more training and work. Today I didn't meet Nikita in the suite, or the lift, or the gardens. I walked alone to the gym but it was already in use.

Nikita was on a treadmill, sweating as she worked but it wasn't surprising. Her clothes were. They were clothes for workout alright, but... clearly the only intention of wearing them wasn't just working out.

"Good morning!" She turned to face me completely. Her voice sounded more dignified, posh. She flashed a charming smile - very girly - and got back to running.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"Me? Oh nothing, though I hope your thousand yen are ready." She winked and I shook my head starting with my own warming up. The dishes weren't up yet and so we were going to do physical training today. Blading would come after breakfast.

Slowly the crowd started streaming in. It took me moments to understand what she was doing after the first prey was walked in. Brooklyn Masefield walked in with a smile that grew at the sight of a beautiful girl smiling at him.

"Good morning!" She said in the same posh tone.

"Good morning to you too," Brooklyn acknowledged her fully. I wondered what she was going to do. Brooklyn seemed more like a mental person, not affected much by her clothes. "You are always up so early?" He asked continuing the conversation while lifting the stretching band himself.

"Oh yeah, I am always in search of pleasant company. Even if it means getting up early." I thought it was directed at Brooklyn but her eyes looking at me said otherwise.

"Then you're at the wrong place, no?" I looked at him as he said that. "I mean the gym is a boring place."

What was she getting at by appreciating me in front of him?

"What's your idea?" She placed a hand on her slim waist and turned to him with well faked curiosity.

"The gardens and the campus are the place to run. The birds and the flowers are at their best."

"Oh, then your team must love it?"

A frown flashed on Brooklyn's face before it promptly disappeared. "I am afraid not. They just don't look at nature like I do."

"That's sad. I used to always sit in the lawn at evening in my house. At least ten different kinds of birds come there," she said. Finally, her complete body was turned towards him and she was leaning towards him slightly.

"Ten different kinds of birds? There are more flowers here." He ran a hand through his orange hair and smiled. He had completely stopped stretching

"I think I would go there sometime..." Nikita muttered and turned back to her training. Brooklyn looked at her like he was about to say something then closed his lips. His stare didn't waver as she continued running on the treadmill.

"I... I could show you around. After the championship or something."

His cheeks turned pink as Nikita turned towards her with a fake oblivious look and a smile. "That would be great. Do you know a lot about- Wait I am going back home after the championships," she said.

"Whenever you like then..." He stuttered very slightly.

"... Brooklyn you aren't asking me on a date are you?" Her smile turned to a worried frown.

"N-no... If I would take you on a date it'd be more grand," he said confidently. He fiddled with the threads of his hoodie as Nikita studied him for a moment too long.

"Great then!"

I cleared my throat, as Nikita stopped training to talk to him. Brooklyn as if just remembering my presence in the room smirked and turned around motioning something to my purple haired teammate.

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