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Yay! Two chapters in two continuous days. If you haven't read previous chapter, read that first. Spoiler: A lot of shit's gone/going to go downhill.

I went through a lot of songs but finally settled at this. You can try others if it's soft for your choice: Arms Around You - Maluma ft. Swae Lee, Jar of Hearts - Christina Perry, El Baño by Enrique Iglesias, Skinny Love - Bone Iver's or Birdy's or even Bad Blood by Taylor Swift 

Hope you enjoy!!!

Nikita's POV

I pushed my captain on the bed straddling and kissing him. He wasted no second in returning the passion, holding me tightly in place – one hand holding my back, the other tugging at the roots of my hair.

"You wanted to show me this?" He muttered as I gasped for breath.

"You don't sound very happy." I curved my lips in a cat like smile. "Maybe I should let you go..."

His grip around my waist tightened. "And maybe I should punish you for being so outspoken."

"Oh you wouldn't, would you captain?"

I smiled inwardly remembering the time. "Open the door."

"What, why? Don't you like it here with me?" I put a hand on his chest as he tried to sit.

"They aren't stupid. Someone will catch something wrong going on." I let go as he sat up and ran a hand through his hair.

"I hate that we all have to share." I mumbled as he straightened up himself and left the room. I lay there for the day, not knowing when I fell asleep.

I woke up around midnight. My stomach rumbled continuously from lack of dinner. I groaned, nobody had woken me from the sleep. I was still in the day clothes – shorts, cropped top and choker. My hair felt matted from sweat. I realised with a start I had forgotten my pills for the day. I felt my head groaning, mental exhaustion kicking in. My eyelids and limbs felt heavy, as if made of lead.

I stood up, very gently out my feet on the floor and got steady. I took my pills and sat down there on the floor waiting for the effects to kick in. Gradually I felt I could see and hear clearer and my head didn't feel all that heavy.

I stripped of my day's clothes, threw in laundry basket and wore a single long PJ T shirt and tied a belt at my waist. In the suite's mini-fridge and bar I found frozen pizza, a small bottle of OJ and crisps. Once I had microwaved the food I carried it back to my room only to see the lights in Hilary's room on. Thinking it was worth a peek inside, I saw Hilary wearing light pink PJs and a mud mask looking dismal.

"Hey, Hil!" I whispered to her. She immediately put her phone, which I saw then was in her hand, down and smiled at me.

"Hi. Come in." She put on a smile that didn't quite reach her big and cute ruby eyes.

I plopped down on her bed and put the food on the nightstand. "Want pizza?" I offered her the food to which she shook her head no.

"I am actually quiet full." She relaxed a little. "They've been preparing dinner feasts since the championship began but I see you haven't been able to eat that."

"Oh." I bit into the pizza. God I loved food! "Why are you up at this time?"

Hilary's lips move wordlessly for a few seconds as she tried to phrase her problem. At last she said, "Had trouble sleeping."

"Oh ho, you didn't take me to be that big of a fool?" I grabbed her phone as she shook her head. That seemed to be the source of her trouble. The screen was lit with a picture.

Sugar and Spice [BeyBlade Fan Fiction]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora