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you have all liberty to kill me after all this delay. honestly, i am sorry. i had exams and i got lazy as well 

anyways, as usual vote, comment and share.

lots of love for all, 

~nicole <3

Kai's POV

Ray launched Driger in the dish, followed by Claude and his blade. The two blades circled each other for only a short time before Ray went in an offensive mode. I would have waited longer but...

"Ray attacked too early!" I heard Dizzi's mechanical voice from the laptop, placed beside Kenny on the other end of the bleacher.

"Huh?" Max turned towards Chief, so did I, Hilary and Nikita.

"I said Ray attack—" Dizzi repeated.

"We heard you Dizzi!" Tyson said, quickly looking at the screen and back again at Ray.

"He'll lose. He didn't wait to stabilize on a new dish." Kenny stated sadly, typing away on his laptop.

"What do you mean?" I asked a little too annoyed.

Kenny frowned and moved his long brown bangs out of his eyes, "I mean exactly what I said."

His green eyes scanned Ray's figure who was slowly realising his fault. His blade toppled a bit but he was holding his ground well enough now.

"We can't afford to lose this..." Hilary muttered, chewing on her thumbnail.

I tapped my foot nervously. If this was lost, the next two matches would be our only chance. We couldn't lose on the brink of qualifying for the semis.

"Why aren't we doing anything?! Ray needs our support!" Nikita said. She held Tyson and Max by the wrist and dragged them to the edge of the dish forcefully.

"Ray!" Tyson called.

"Ty-Tyson... I'm... Its not..." His voice wobbled as his confidence was lost for the moment. He looked back at the three of them for a second.



"I have heard you guys have proved statistics wrong before Ray." Nikita implored. "Show me how you do it."

Ray still looked a bit shook with his faulty launch but he stood straighter as Tyson and Max continued to motivate him. Claude on the other hand looked like he was getting annoyed with the chattering against him.

"This is enough Blade Breakers! Ray, you're going down now!"

"Oh? Am I?" Ray looked at Driger moving in the dish. "Let's see you try."



Hilary beside me gasped at sight before us. Both the blades flew out at a height and then fell near the feet of their owners.

"I—I didn't win?" Claude spoke in shock as he picked up his blade. Ray dusted off his blade and sighed.

"You did." He looked at Claude. On the big screen above, I saw him smile at the other Blader gently. "You fought very well Claude, but I think you just underestimated me –" he turned to the three standing behind him, "– and my friends."

Claude returned the smile and both of them walked back to their team.

"Ray! You didn't let him win!" Kenny smiled widely as the four of them came back to the bleachers.

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