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Kai's POV

I entered the gym and punched the first thing I could get my hands on - the stone wall. Great now my left hand was completely useless. Shoulder and wrist sprained and knuckles bleeding. I grabbed my hair with the other hand and sat down on a bleacher. 

What the fuck had happened? Why did Julia want to go out with me of all people? 

I sat there wordlessly as Ray and Tyson entered the gym followed by many others. Everyone tried to get me to speak. But there was only one person I wanted to talk to right now. And she wasn't here. 

About half an hour after the designated time I saw Nikita walking in, laughing with a very harassed looking Oliver and Enrique, whose arm was wrapped around her shoulder. This stupid dolt, I thought. If he behaved slightly more decently people wouldn't be getting all those wrong ideas. Perhaps then they'd even see how me and Nikita clearly fit together. 

She didn't acknowledge my presence instead she got in a practice match with Robert, who I had found a while ago had become a lot better than I remembered. 

I waited hoping she would see me staring holes in her back but when fifteen minutes passed I got up and walked to her. "I need to talk."

"Then talk," she giggled. Apparently an hour with her brother's presence had deteriorated her sense of humor.

"NIKITA!" I warned and she tried to stop giggling. 

"Okay sorry sorry grumpy. Excuse me Enrique!" She patted him on the arm and called back her blade. Meanwhile I quickly stormed out of the gym. I sat down on the grass in the park outside and watched as she came out, spotted me and sat down beside me.

"Now, what is the problem?" She asked nursing my hand where the knuckles were bleeding profusely.

"What is the problem you ask?" I tried to control my anger. "You knew Julia was up to something, didn't you?" 

"Hey, hey!" She raised her hand in surrender, her annoyance very thinly veiled. "I don't know what she is or was up to! All I know is that she wanted to talk to you."

"Oh," I sighed, guilt flooding me. "I'm sorry."

"Kai you always act like you know what someone is up to and assume things. Why don't you bother asking politely!" She snapped a little.

"I apologized okay?" I closed my eyes. "Plus you have to listen to me. Can we not argue for a while?" 

"Go on, I am all ears." She breathed hard but she she looked normal enough.

"Right, so when you left this morning Julia asked me something."

"Don't beat around the bush. Spit it out."

"Well, she asked me out!" I said irritably. 

"So? That's good isn't it?" She suppressed a smile and asked gently. 

"Wh--?" I opened my mouth to oppose her but I couldn't find any solid reason to oppose her. I had promised I wouldn't look at her as a romantic partner for an year. I would give her an year. And frankly there is nothing wrong with Julia. 

"Why not? Do you think Julia is ugly?" She asked me arms crossed.

"No but--"

"Is she a bitch to you, or others?" She cut me off.

"No," I sighed.

"Is she fake?" 


"Then what is the problem Kai? You need to broaden your horizon. Tell her you want to be her boyfriend. Take her out. What are you afraid of?" She tucked a stray strand of purple hair behind her ear and looked straight in my eyes. I became conscious of her breathe fanning on my face and the fire burning in her earthy brown eyes as she spoke steadily.

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