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(Nikita's POV)

I stifled a yawn for the hundredth time while lying out in the grass. Ray and Tyson were throwing pebbles in the artificial pond. Kenny was watching the evening matches to collect the stats. Hilary had said she was going to the town to meet a friend. Both the parties had invited me, but I couldn't force myself today.

However hard I tried I couldn't get rid of a few images from my brain. Max and Miriam enjoying that bliss reminded me how I had no real action in days.

I was with Tala list night but he had forced me. And before that... It had been more than a few months since I got close with anyone. I became restless and began fidgeting as I thought about getting some action.

"Uh guys... I'm heading to the suite to relax." I told Ray and Tyson. It was partially true. I had to get some private time too 👀👄.

In the lift to my room I bumped into Enrique.

"Heyy boy!" I gave him a five as I stepped in. "What are you doing in this wing?"

"Actually, I came to meet... you." He smiled running a hand through his blond hair.

I don't know if it was lack of male contact, or genuine interest, but I noticed why he had straight girls hovering around him at all times. Enrique was tall and lean. He had clear, bright blue eyes, golden hair and a naturally rosy undertone. And he definitely had a way with flattery.

"Oh to what do I owe the pleasure?" We stepped out from the lift as it reached our floor.

"I had to ask something." I unlocked the door from my spare key and we went in. "I was wondering if you would be supporting us in our match tomorrow?"

"Of course I will." I stretched on a sofa. "That isn't even a question."

"Grazie. Well I also have a dress that matches my blading outfit. Will you show me some support in it?" He asked tentatively.

"Yeah, okay." I glanced away from him, muttering, "I'll wear anything till someone takes it off of me later." I cursed myself but it was my inside hoe speaking.

"Ooh!" He eyed me teasingly as I averted my gaze. "What did the baby-cousin say? What will Brother Johnny think of this behaviour?"

"Hey hey, don't you 'baby-cousin' me." He kept eyeing me with a smirk as I ranted. "Johnny doesn't have to know and interfere in all my businesses. I can take care of myself very well." I puffed my chest, biting my lower lip, a feeble but sure way of interesting him.

"Oh, I know you're not a kid." He tilted his face, blue eyes fixed on my lips.

"Glad you think so." I sat up straighter and leaned towards him. "Your opinion matters a lot." I took his hand from his lap in my own.

"I am honoured." He looked flustered for only a split second before he regained his composure. "I was also wondering if I could take you on a celebratory date after your team's fantastic win today.

"And maybe you can top of off with a good luck kiss?" He asked tugging my fingers gently.

I smirked inwards. This was my win-win chance. I could finish what I didn't do yesterday and this time with my wish. Plus I was getting a step closer to my goal! Either way it was a win for me.

"Come." I took his hand pulling him inside my room with me.

There lights were off in my room, light coming only from the window. I didn't hear Enrique walking in after me so I turned back, looking in the dim light for him. As I walked, I got my leg with something and landed on my bed. There was a bam sound as the lamp near the bed feel too. The only other source of light beside me gone too.

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