Chapter 14

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Jasmines POV

I woke up before my alarm so I decided to take a shower. I walked into the bathroom and pulled back the shower curtain. I jumped. Sitting in the tub were muddy yellow heels, a muddy black coat and a muddy blonde wig.

I picked up the coat and checked the pockets and pulled out a notepad and pen. I read the notepad and smiled. Perfect.

I put the notepad in my robe pocket and closed the curtain. I left the bathroom and went into the hallway. I walked down the hall until I reached Auroras room. I knocked, Belle opened the door.

"Jas? What are you doing here?" Belle looked as if she just woke up. "Alarms don't go off until 5:45. We have 10 more minutes."

"Sorry. I woke up before my alarm! I just need you to give this to Aurora." I handed Belle the notepad. She read it.

"Oh my god...Jas! Is this?" Belle looked up in shock. "Where did you find this!"

"I'll explain tonight. Library at 7 right?" I asked.

Belle nodded. "See you then!" I said, and I ran down the hall to my room. Once inside, I noticed Mulan and Snow weren't in their beds. I heard talking in the bathroom. I put my ear on the door.

"Snow! How could you lose that!" I heard Mulan say.

"I don't know! It was in my pocket when I put my jacket down!" Snow was crying.

"Shhhh! You'll wake Jasmine!" Mulan whispered.

"She's gonna be so mad! What are we gonna do?" Snow blubbered.

"It's not the only copy. You think she would give you her only copy?" Mulan laughed.

"Then why are you so mad?" Snow sounded confused.

"Because anyone could have it!" Mulan said stressfully.

"Oh my god! I'm so dead!" Snow said. I moved my foot and the floor creeked.

"Shhh!" Mulan said quickly.
"What what that!" Snow said, she was crying again.

I quickly got in bed and roled over. Mulan opened the bathroom door.

"She's asleep. It must have been us." Mulan said to Snow.

Suddenly the fire alarm went off.

Anna's POV

I woke up to see Meg sleeping on the couch.

"Meg?" I whispered.

"Hmm?" She said groggily.

I sat up. "Is she back yet?"

Meg looked around the room. "No. What time is it?"

I looked at the clock. "Oh my god! It's 5:58!" I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

"Anna?" Meg said slowly.

"Yeah." I said as I pulled out my makeup bag.

"There's a note under the door."

I froze. I slowly walked to the door and picked it up.

"It's from the school." I said sadly. Not Jane.

Attention all Students,

It has come to my attention that two students have gone missing in the last 24 hours. We know they are in the school because all gates and fences are on camera, electric or locked. We have the school on lockdown until both students are found. Stay in whatever room you are in until further notice. If you know the where snouts of Giselle Encant or Elsa Arendalle, please report to the headmasters office immediately.

Sincerely yours,
Headmistress Maleficent

"Meg! We need to tell them about Jane too!" I showed her the letter.

"Anna. Elsa is missing too." Meg pointed out.

"Good. I hate her." I put the letter on my bed and pulled out jeans and a tshirt.

"Why?" Meg looked shocked.

"She's helping yellow heel." I said cooly.

"And you know this how?" Meg said surprisingly.

"Last night. Out the window. I saw her face. Right after they took Jane. I'm never trusting her again."

"Anna-" Meg was suddenly cut off by a loud siren.

"The fire alarm!" I said in shock.

Auroras POV

I woke up to Belle closing our door.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"Jasmine." Belle said.

"What does she want at 5:30 am?" I groaned sitting up.

"She brought you this." Belle handed me a mini yellow notepad.

I opened it and read the first page. "Oh my god! Belle! This is perfect! Where did she find this?"

"She said she would explain at the meeting." Belle sat on her bed.

"Belle! This could help us figure out everything!" I squealed wiry excitement.

"Also we got a letter from the Headmistress." Belle handed me the letter and I read it.

"Oh my god. Wait...we need to tell them about Cinderella right?" I looked at Belle.

"She's been gone one night. She probably slept over with Hercules or Peter or Aladdin or something." Belle layed down. "She'll be back."

"How do you know?" I said worriedly.

Belle laughed, "She left her phone."

Suddenly the fire alarm sounded.


Hey guys! So as you can see I have updated! Shoutout to meeeee! I'm gonna try and do weekly updates. So stay tuned!

If you guys have any requests for the story like POVs you want or people you want in the story, please comment! I will see it and most likely listen!

Whoa! Snow! Mulan?? And Jasmine heard it all! What do you think was in the book? Why would Jasmine give it to Aurora?? And what meeting? Elsa! Is she yellow heel? Who is Giselle and why is she missing? Why do you think Elsa is missing?? What do you think Aurora will do whatever the notepad? Where is Cinderella? Where is Jane? And the fire alarm! What us happening?

Please comment your theories guys! I love to read them! See you next week guys!!

-Disney Daisy🌻

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