Chapter 18 Part 2

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Esmerelda's POV

Today was the worst day I have ever had in high school. I was always in the shadows listening. But I started telling to many people what I was doing. And they probably told someone who told Yellow Heel. Or I told Yellow Heel...

I walked up the staircase after my last class of the day. I was using the back stairs so I wouldn't get anymore glares. I had to walk 7 flights of stairs to get to my dorms floor. I silently slipped into my room which was conveniently close to the stairs. Anna still wasn't back but Jane was sitting on her bed laughing on the phone. She didn't notice me at first. She had her back to me and was very into her conversation. I froze to listen when I heard my name.

"Esmerelda switched with her....I know!.....Yeah I read the paper.....How has no one noticed her before? I mean with the way she dresses and everything.....You don't think?.....There is no way she is....She hates attention...OMG unless thats what she wants!"

I cleared my throat and Jane jumped off her bed facing me, her face white as paper. 

"Oh..Hey Esmerelda..."

I heard someone say "Oh shit." on the phone, laugh and hang up. 

"Hey Jane. Sorry to interrupt your phone call. I'm surprised you didn't notice me when I came in. With the way I dress and all." I pushed past her and sat on my bed. She stood still, still facing the door, mortified. 

Aurora's POV

I was beyond relieved my name wasn't mentioned in this weeks edition of Yellow Heel's gossip column. I knew she was onto us though. We had her list of minions. We just didn't know what to do with it yet. Or who to take down first. Or how. 

I walked down the halls and headed towards the elevators. I was stopped by Ariel. 

"Library? After dinner?" She asked.

I nodded and she smirked and walked the other direction. I waited a good 10 seconds for the elevator. I thought I was going to ride alone when Rapunzel hopped on at the last second.

"Library? After dinner?" She asked me.

I nodded again. We need a group chat or something. Rapunzel got off on the floor below me and I kept going. When they opened, Meg stood at the door.

"Meggy!" I instantly smiled. "How are you?"

"Fine." She looked around, "Now that you're here...can we talk?"

"Yes of course! Let's go to my place! Cindy and Belle shouldn't be back yet." I lead her down the hall to my dorm.

Alice's POV

I avoided Peter and Meg all day as hard as I could. But it seemed every corner I turned there was one of them. I didn't know what to think. Peter was a mess. And I loved my Hiccup. But Peter was breathtaking. Yeah I left him waiting all night but it took me all night to realize I loved him more. But then when I got there Meg was there???? Was I too late? I had no one to talk to about this. Not only could I not trust anyone, the only person I do trust is Wendy...and clearly I can't tell her. And this latest Yellow Heel update! Was Jasmine with Hiccup? Nothing adds up anymore. Maybe boys in high school are just overrated. 

I walked into the dining hall and found Wendy and Peter sitting together. 

"Alice! Have you finished the reading assignment?" She asked me smiling. I knew Wendy hadn't read the Yellow Heel update by the way she was acting towards me. 

Disney AcademyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora