Chapter 2

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Meg's POV

Wendy, Alice and I walked into the dining hall. Alice and Wendy were both really upset but they wouldn't tell me why. We walked over to our usual table by the window. Our boyfriends were all there. Hercules was the best boyfriend ever. He plays on the Disney Football team. And I'm on the volleyball team. We are the perfect power couple.

Wendy sat beside Peter and when he kissed her cheek she stiffened. He looked at her confused but didn't say anything. When Alice sat beside Hiccup she didnt even look at him. He decided to say something.

"Alice? Did I do something wrong?" He looked at her worried.

"I don't know! How about you ask your new friend! Or maybe you could text her!' Alice almost yelled.

The tables around us were silent. Great, we'll be on the top of the gossip column.

"My what? What on earth are you talking about!" Hiccup exclaimed.

"Oh you know exactly who I'm talking about! The new girl Anna!" Alice screamed.

"Wha-? I don't even know who that is!" Hiccup looked really confused.

"Alice." I said. "Where did you hear that?"

"Aurora!" Alice huffed.

"Alice. When has Aurora ever told you the truth?" I said putting my hand on her shoulder to calm her.

"N-Never." She turned to Hiccup. "I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions!" She hugged him.

Peter looked at Wendy. "Are you mad at me?"

"Well, Aurora told me you were talking to that new girl Elsa and you guys traded numbers but now I know she made all this up!" Wendy kissed Peters cheek.

"Um actually we did trade numbers..." Peter said.

"W-What!" Wendy said.

"It's not what you think!" Peter said.

"Really? Do you like her?" Wendy said almost on tears.

God this was annoying.

"No! God no! I was setting her up with a friend!" Pete said.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I should have asked you and not over reacted." Wendy said looking down.

"It's alright." Peter winked at her.

"Ok. So what should we do about this?" I said.

"What do you mean?" Alice asked.

"Well, I'm not one to brag but, I love a good revenge." I smiled.

"And that is one of the many reasons you are my girlfriend." Hercules said.

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