Chapter 18 - Part 1

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Anna's POV

It was a start of a new week. They were starting the classes over again tomorrow, Monday,  because of everything that went down last week. I can't believe all that happened in one week. It felt like a whole year. But it was a new week. And that also means, this weeks edition of the school newspaper, The Disney Gazette, comes out tonight. So Jane and I had a lot of work to do. 

I grabbed my laptop. Esmerelda was still asleep and Jane was in the news office. It was 6:30, so I was late to the news room. 

"Anna! We got it! The next edition of Yellow Heel's gossip column!" Jane yelled as I walked into the room.

"Oh my god! What does it say!" I ran to join her at my desk. 

"I don't know. I haven't opened it yet." Jane held a manilla envelope in her hand. 

" you want me too?" I asked.

"Yeah. I don't want to see it until its published. I'm scared. Will you type it up?" She placed the file next to my laptop.

"Sure. When did it get here?" I asked, sitting down at my desk.

"Well, I got here around 6 so it must have been before that." She shrugged taking a seat at her desk. She got to work on the quiz section of the paper.

I opened the folder and noticed it was still wet where someone had licked it shut. That's odd. 

"Jane...the folder is still wet where someone licked it shut. Do you think maybe they put it here after you were in here?" I asked her.

"I sure hope not. That's scary to think about." She cringed.

"Think. Did anyone come in here while you were here or did you use the restroom after you arrived?" I looked straight at her while she looked at the ceiling and thought.

"Well, about 8 or 10 people came through here after I opened the place to drop off their final drafts in the final draft box for them to be typed and I went to the bathroom around 6:20, right before you showed up." Jane said.

"They must have dropped it while you were in the restroom in those ten minutes this place was unlocked and empty." I said, I reached into the folder when Jane gasped. I pulled my hand out quickly. "What is it?"

"The room was unlocked and empty! My computer was in here!" Jane started breathing heavily.

"But your computer is right there and it has a lock on it." I rolled my eyes.

"When I went to the bathroom I left it unlocked because I was downloading music!" Jane started typing crazily on her computer. 

"Jane what's going on?" I asked. "What can Yellow Heel get on your computer?"

"Everything. My messages, my social media accounts, my journal. She probably has everything to control my life, all my secrets and every other secret people have told me!" Jane slammed her laptop and put her hand in her hands.

"Ok. Jane calm down. Take a deep breath and relax. I'm sure it's ok." I said.

"Ok." She took a deep breath, "Ok. I won't worry until there is something to worry about."

"Good. Now get back to work and I'm going to read this gossip column." I finally pulled it out and laid the one sheet out on my desk. 

Hello my fellow classmates. First off, before I start, let me just say that I find it quite amusing that you all are trying to "figure me out". You won't. I am the very last person you would suspect. And no one has any idea who I am. Even my minions. Why? Because why would I tell anyone who I am? You can keep trying to guess but you never will. Anyway, on to this week's juicy, juicy drama. Here's one name we haven't heard in a while...or ever. Esmerelda. This little green monster hides in the corner and hears just about everything. No, she does not work for me but she likes to tell her friends what she hears. And I have ears EVERYWHERE. So just a quick shoutout to her for all of my information. Hope you enjoyed that time in the shadows, because now you better get used to the limelight. Oh Alice? Yes, a little birdy, I mean, Esmerelda, says you have a little thing with Mr. Aladdin himself. But wait...isn't he with Mulan? And didn't Mulan steal him from Jasmine? And aren't you secretly dating your best friends boyfriend? I think someone needs to sort out their priorities. But don't worry Alice, Your boyfriend won't notice, especially since Jasmine has that taken care of ;). Also I heard that Meg is pretty much playing..well...everyone. Don't deny things that can be proven ladies. You're only making your job harder and mine easier. And what would this post be without little Anna. Rumor has it you have two boys fighting for your hand. Who will you pick? And when will I reveal it? Only time will tell. See you or I guess- hear you all later. Yours -Yellow Heel

"Oh my god." I ran my hand through my hair. "Do I have to include everything?" 

"Yes. If we don't the writer will come forward. And Ms. De Vil already scanned it and has it on file to be used against you. Why? Is there something in there about you or me?" Jane looked up while still typing.

 "Just me. But it's not bad. I'll keep it. To get Elsa annoyed that I'm still involved." I started typing it up.

Meg's POV

I walked across the courtyard. I pulled my hood over my head, because apparently I am always being watched. I opened the door to the science classroom and walked to the back of the room. I opened the walk in closet to have a flood of light meet my face. Candles lined the shelves and on the floor lay pillows and blankets, a laptop and popcorn. Peter stood up from where he was sitting. 

"Oh. Uh hey Meg." He blushed.

"Sorry. Am I interrupting?" I asked.

"No. Alice is late." He checked his watch and rocked back and forth on his feet and then put his hand over his mouth. "I mean Wendy. Wendy's late." 

"Right. Uh ok. It's 6 am. I think she's a bit more than late. I think you might have been stood up." Peter looked at his watch again and rubbed his eyes. I walked in and closed the door. "Since you're here, can I give you something? I meant to give it to you yesterday but I couldn't find you."

"Alright. What is it?" Peter stepped towards me.

I leaned in and kissed him. He didn't move at first but then started to kiss me back. Then all of a sudden the door opened and in came Alice. 

"Sorry I'm late. But Wendy thinks something is up an-" She stopped and we pulled apart quickly. "Oh my god."

"Alice!" Peter went towards her. 

"I...I need some air." I shoved past them both and went outside. Mission Accomplished.

Hey there my lovelys. So sorry I haven't updated but here's a quick update and I will have the other half to you this weekend. I have an alarm set and it's already partly written, I just need to finish it. I promise you will see the rest by Saturday, Eastern Time. 

I hope you enjoyed this half chapter! Please leave comments on ideas! I tried to hint to some things in this one so lets see if anyone caught on to it. ;) 

Also I am considering changing my username. What do you guys think? And if I should, what should it be?

Love you guys! <3


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