Chapter 10

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Jasmines POV

I laid on my bed to read a book when Mulan walked in.

"Hey Snow!" She said. And she glared at me.

"Hey Mulan..." Snow looked between me and Mulan. "Ok I have had enough! You too will start talking again! You don't have to forgive each other. Just talk! Please! I'm locking you in here until then!"

Snow ran to the hall closing and locking the door behind us.

We sat there completely shocked.

"Uh...can she do that?" I said.

"I think she just did..." Mulan said trying to suppress the shock.

"Well, I'm not forgiving you. But I will talk to you. I miss my friend." I said. And it was true. She was a close fried of mine.

"That's all I could ask for!" Mulan hugged me and as she backed away from the hug, she tripped over Snows bag and a yellow envelope fell out.

"What's that?" I asked. "No one received those envelopes today..."

Mulan picked it up. "Let's find out."

"Mulan!" I said snatching it from her. "That's Snows private stuff! We can't go through it!"

"She locked us in here!" Mulan snatched it back. "She owes us."

Mulan opened the folder and read the paper.

"What's it say!" I asked.

"Uh, nothing. Just some medical stuff. Your right. Shouldn't be reading it." Mulan stuffed it back in to the envelope and into Snows bag.

"Told you." I smiled. I'm always right.

"Uh, I'll go tell Snow we are friends again!" Mulan said and went to bang on the door.

Ok, that was weird. What was in that envelope? Why wouldn't she show me what was in there? Even if I was right....

I started for Snow bag when Snow herself walked in, I jumped back.

"Everything worked out?" Snow asked.

"Yep!" Mulan said. "Not forgiven. But friends!"

"Great!" Snow smiled. "Who's ready for sunset on the quad!"

I smiled and shook my head yes.

"Fab! Lets go!" Snow beckoned us to follow her to the quad. I guess investigating will have to wait.

Cinderella's POV

We sat on the quad watching all the weirdos walk by.

"Ew. What is Alice wearing!" Belle whispered.

"I think it's a jumpsuit covered in clocks." Aurora gaged.

"Ew!" We all squealed with laughter.

"Hey guys!" Meg walked up to us.

"Looking cute Meggy!" Aurora laughed. "Sit!"

She sat beside as glared in front of her.

"Meggy what's wrong?" I asked.

"Don't frown Meggy! You'll get stress lines!" Belle said worriedly.

"It's Hercules! He's over there all over Merida!" Meg said sadly.

"What! Still!" Aurora hissed.

"What do you mean still?" Meg asked.

"Uh...I mean...Can you believe the...uh nerve of her actually...still dating him!" Aurora said.

Wow. Nice save.

"I know right!" Meg said almost in tears.

"No!" I said. "No tears! You must win! Your arm candy will be at our door tomorrow morning."

She sniffled. "Ok."

"Now. Lets watch the sunset!" Belle said.

Janes POV

I decided to skip the sunset on the quad. I had to find out who yellow heel was! What if she was more then one person! What if she was one of my best friends! Who was she! I'm going to find out.

As I turned the corner, there was my luck. A person in a long black trench coat and yellow heels turned the corner. Ah Ha! I started to run. When I turned the corner I body slammed the black trench coat.

"Oh! So sor-" I gasped. "Oh my god...."



Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been on in forever! It's summer. :) hehe but school starts for me on Tuesday.🔫 Yeah. 😒 But stay tuned! I have a lot more planned!

Why do you think Mulan lied to Jasmine? Why do you think Merida is still with Hercules even though she wa paid to only kiss him and wall away? And most importantly, who do to think Jane ran into!

Stay tuned!

FYI:: For my Gossip Girl lovers out there, please check out my Gossip Girl 2.0 story! It's about there kids!


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