Chapter 42: A Brief Farewell

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My hand made contact along the wooden surface. The procussion created an expansive echo from the door. I took a long breath as the crickets in the summer night air continued to resound in the darkness. 

The occasional car drove passed the house never to be seen again. 

Second last day until I leave for a little while. How do I open this one up? Are we gonna tell his parents? How is this going to work? Will I be able to catch Denki on I-Island?

That's when the front door inevitably swung open. The slight creak knocked me out of the mental trance I had put myself in.

My eyes focused forward to see Katsuki standing at the door, his ruby scowl met my sea green gaze as the world seemed to slow for a brief moment. Allowing me to take the visage of the softest scowl Katsuki has ever had.

"Hey... You showed up" He started in which I nodded, "Oh course I Showed. Wouldn't be much of a Boyfriend if I was late" I said nervously, not fully aware on whether I could address it publicly.

With the quickest aversion of his gaze and the clearing if his throat, he stepped to the side. "C-Come in" Ignoring the adorable stutter, I stepped inside. Removing my shoes neatly to the side.

After a moment of standing in the hallway awkwardly, Katsuki looked to the side, unsure of what to do. "The Hag and Clown are in the other room" He threw out.

Almost suggested...

I stepped past, moving quickly but with human speed. "Then they won't see this" I whispered softly, pecking his cheek and moving away.

My brain screaming...

Keep calm! Keep Cool! Keep It Collected!

With a single glance back, Katsuki had ceased functioning. I could see the buffering loading bar above his head lag at multiple points. Until he started turning a brief red and stepped towards me.

His words were held back, not painting suspicion to the other people in the house. So, when he gripped my forearm and tugged me close, my throat barely caught the yelp.

"If you're gonna do some shit like that then do it right" He growled in my ear. The breath running down my neck.

A prominent tingle flooded down my spine as I slowly exhaled. "Oi Hag! Dylan is here! We're going to my fucking room!" Katsuki screeched As he started dragging me.

"DON'T CALL ME HAG! Oh... Hello, Dylan!" Her tone was bipolar! So angry and then suddenly the kindest person ever. "Hey, Mitsuki!" I called out as I was pulled upstairs.

We fumbled for a few moments, eventually reaching his room. Closing the door, he haphazardly flicked the lock.

Instantly, he met my lips with his own. I was pushed up against the door as his hands gripped my sides. The excitement got to me as my powers buzzed for an instant.

The repeated action of kissing intensified as I was pulled to the bed. Katsuki was able to barely see in the darkness. The only illumination was the lightposts from outside his window.

Katsuki quickly unbuttoned my shirt, while doing so, he clashed our lips together. Once my shirt was open, he slowly scanned over my abs.

"The fuck? When did you have the time to workout?" He said through the darkness. I nervously chuckled, "I go jogging" I covered.

Katsuki scoffed in amusement as he leaned closer. "You're so fucking weird" He stopped mere inches before kissing me. "The good fucking weird"

Then closed the distance...

Running... (BNHA x The Flash Male OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora