Chapter 5: Denied

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(Dylan's POV)

I stood in front of the campus of U.A, all the students were looking at me with an odd expression. They were probably looking at me because of my lack of school uniforms. I waited until I saw a familiar chestnut hair and bubbly smile. She blinked a few times after seeing me, then ran up to me. "Dylan!? What are you doing here?" She hugged me and I saw some of the guys glare at me.

My gaze wandered over towards a blonde with a lightning bolt in his hair, he was standing next to a redhead, with shark teeth. Along with a girl with pink skin and blacked out yellow eyes. My ocean blue eyes continued to look at the group. I caught the ruby gaze of an ash blonde, his spiky hair making him look like an angry Pomeranian.

"H-Hey, Rien... Uh... Everyone is staring" I muttered, completing the hug. She pulled away with an excited smile. "Oh... You have to meet my classmates! Guys! Come here!" She gestured to a few of the students I saw before. They wandered over to me, almost analysing me. "Sup, Rien... Who's this?" The lightning striped blonde wondered. "This is Dylan! His father worked with my Dad"

"Gee... Share my life story..." I joked, ignoring the feeling I had since I ran out of the lab. Leaving my Uncle with Kana and Evan. "Well, I'm Kirishima" The redhead introduced with an infectious smile. The pink one stepped forward, her smile was bright and powerful. "I'm Mina, this is Bakuhoe, Kaminari, and Sero is over there..."

"SHUT UP, YOU RACCOON EYED BITCH!" The explosive blonde that looked like a Pomeranian lurched forward, his hands sparking with mini-explosions. "Anyways... What school do you go too?" Mina asked.

I scratched the back of my head, a sheepish smile reached my face. "I uh..."

"He was affected by the particle accelerator..." Thank you, Rien... Lifesaver.

I saw a few frowns and some looks of pity, "I was struck by lightning that was formulated by the energy released by the accelerator. I woke up yesterday" My mouth rapidly fired words. "Wait... You were struck by lightning and woke up yesterday? How are you standing?!" I heard Kaminari yell with a dumbfounded expression. "Because he's obviously not a little bitch like you!" The explosive blonde yelled.

"Whoa... You just got a compliment from Bakugo..." Rien whispered. "What!? Fuck off Vibrator!"

My eyebrows furrowed as my eyes narrowed, "Why is he calling you that?"

Rien smiled, "Think of it as a term of endearment. Bakugo has nicknames for everyone. He calls me that because I can control vibrations and sound" My head nodded but I was still confused. "Well, anyway... We should get going. Your Uncle would kill us if we were out all afternoon. I'm sure you still need rest" Rien started pulling me away, her hand wrapped around my hand and we walked. "Wh-What? Hey, let go of me, you Gremlin!" I disputed. "Nope! Never!" She yelled, dragging me along.

"Bye, guys!"

The group looked at us, Mina smiled with a cheeky grin. Kaminari was looking at our hands, it was uncomfortable. While Kirishima wrapped his arm around Bakugo's shoulder, who grimaced at the contact. But the ash-blonde looked at me with a scowl, but it was curious. I eventually turned around and walked alongside Rien, her hand still holding mine.

We wandered by the sidewalk, conversations about Rien's day and my own was occurring. I was still keeping my day a secret for the most part. But her day was full of adventure, a wide variety of things happened today. Kaminari tried to heat up his food with his electrical-based quirk, he ended up starting a smallish fire.

There is apparently a pervert in her class, who keeps trying to look up her skirt. My tongue clicked in disgust. What a human scumbag.

"You know you can file a report to get him expelled or suspended" I pointed out with a matter of factly. I didn't want my best friend getting perved on.

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