Chapter 99: Level Up

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Dylan Xander's POV

Hide... Uta... Yume... They're in danger, hell, maybe everyone in the building is. I have to get out of here.

Pushing through the pressure of this place, I was able to pull myself up. Stepping back, I gathered my balance and ran for an exit. Through the halls and down the stairs, I barely noticed the walls begin to pulse and shift. 

It was almost organic in nature, like the building was alive yet made of inorganic materials. 

Breathing heavy, I reached for the closed front door. Upon twisting the knob and pulling it open, I was met with a rush of stale air. There was no heat or cold, just wind that tasted stale. Covering my face, I managed to take a step outside. 

I squinted due to the light in the sky, it was the sun but a array of various colours. Orange, Blue, Violet, Yellow and more, juts swirling above. The sky boomed with thunder as bolts of recognisable lightning showered down around me. 

Striking the buildings, although not causing any damage. 

That's when I heard it, a howling screech, it was so dark, so haunting that it could convince someone they were already dead. The sky pulsed once more, striking the middel of the street once again. Red colomns of thick cosmic energy converged at a single point as a beast in black seemed to form. 

It's eyes were glazed over, as if it was already dead. It's skin was akin to leather as it was rotting before me. The beast snarled, chattering the needles it had for teeth.

Enjoy the nap and whatever awaits you on the other side...

"Oh...Crap..." The beast bolted towards me, the Speedforce flaring off it as it closed the distance. Stepping back, I felt the familiar aura of the Speedforce envelop me as I turned around and sprinted away. 

I ran as fast as I could, zipping between streets and alleyways, not having time to acknowledge that I could use my speed in this space. My feet fell against the ground, causing thunder with every step. 

Not wanting to look back, I kept running away but I could hear it right on my tail. It roared in fury, trying to swipe at my back. Only to narrowly miss. I had to act before it could sink it's claws into me. 

Dodging and weaving between idle cars on the street, I quickly found myself rushing up the side of a building. The Black Racer followed closely, not bothered by the new found terrain. My eyes narrowed on the runway ahead of me, I had to equal the playing field. 

Upon reaching the top of the building, I let my velocity carry me into the air. The Racer didn't stop to think as it kept chasing me. Twirling in the air, I reached out below as the lightning passed over my shoulder and into the air. 

It's harder to dodge when you're in the air... Especially when you reach terminal velocity. 

The streak of lightning crashed into the Black Racer, frying it's undead body to give me a moment to breath. Coasting through the air, I rotated in the air to land against the side of a building feet first. 

As soon as I found a foothold, I flashed down the building and dashed down the street. 

"I have to get out of here... This isn't real" It was an illusion or a dream but it felt real. 

Was it a Quirk? Could it affect me since my Speed in the real world hadn't been around to allow me to push through the effects? 

If it ain't real then, this is in my head...

I kept running at an accelerated pace as I came up with a plan. Although the howl of the Black Racer caught me off guard as it came in from the side, knocking me off balance. In a frenzy, I managed to throw the speedster zombie to the side, causing it to crash through a building at Mach 20. 

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