𝔩𝔵𝔦𝔦 | seventh year

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All I want to do is go home and be with Mother again, but I'm stuck at school. Draco comes back the morning of our first classes, and I continue sleeping in his bed. For the first few days back, we barely speak, only at night when we lose ourselves in each other's bodies. 

I want to ask him... if there's anything between us. I don't think Draco Malfoy would let just anyone sleep in his own bed. Also, I think it's time I tell Daphne about the two of us. It's laughable that I'm caught up in my own silly relationship drama when the wizarding world is on the brink of a terrible war. 

But there's nothing else for me to do except for hope and pray that the golden trio is okay out there. 

 Luna, luckily, was recovered from Malfoy Manor, where she was taken. I asked Draco about it one night but he told me he had no idea she was there. I don't know if I believe him. Luckily, Luna was able to come back to Hogwarts, saying she made it out safe with the help of Harry, Hermione, and Ron, and that the three of them are staying out of sights.

I don't blame them.

Ginny's come back, too, but her and Luna have been staying in the Room of Requirement, which has been converted to a makeshift common room for students that have had enough of the Carrows' beatings. It's only me, Daphne, and Neville out of all of us who still go to class and put up with it. I'm only doing it to report back to Hermione, Neville's just too damn brave, and Daphne wants to be there for Neville. Daphne and Neville, after the fresh start to school, have begun dating, leaving me alone for part of the time. They try to include me, but I feel bad so I just go off on my own so that they can get their time alone. 

The school year passes, Draco and I grow closer, and my beatings with the Carrows grow worse. My eyes are horribly bruised and when they start to heal and become yellow, Alecto hits me again, the bruises reappearing. 

Dementors surround the school. They work for the Dark Lord now. We travel the school in organized packs, separated by house, and if anyone's out of rank, the Carrows have the right to fire the Cruciatus Curse at them. 

I feel like it's my first year all over again, when everyone hated me... just because of what my father did. Every time Daphne and I walk through the common room, "blood traitor," "mudblood," and "scum," is muttered, spat, and targeted at us. 

Draco leaves school, and comes back, then leaves, and comes back. Same with Aurora, always at the same time. Somehow, they always get permission from Snape and the Carrows, and it hurts my heart to know that it has something to do with Lord Voldemort. 

Nearing the end of the school year, when I feel drained, Draco is gone, and I don't even care about classes anymore, Neville approaches me and Daphne in the halls, "I've been looking everywhere for you two!" He almost shouts, looking extremely nervous, "You have to come with me. Now!" Daphne and I glance at each other, a little concerned, but follow him as he moves quickly through the halls.

"Neville, what is it?" Daphne asks, as Neville turns another corner. It looks like we're going in circles at this point. That is, until a familiar entranceway appears. The Room of Requirement. Recently, the Gryffindors and students with questionable blood have been using it as a common room to escape the Carrows' classes and punishments. Because we're Slytherins, we get slightly better treatment from our awful new teachers, but when I can, I stay confined to my common room, keeping as much space in between me and the Carrows as I can.

The door swings open and we move through the groups of scratched-up students sitting on the floor or relaxing in hammocks, taking a small break from the horrors of the day. We say nothing to no one, watching Neville as he climbs a ladder and swings an empty painting open, "Let's go." He says to the two of us, and we exchange another confused glance, but follow him into the dark hallway behind the painting. 

The students sitting on the floor look at us like this is a daily occurrence, and as the empty painting swings closed, shutting us into the passageway, I ask Neville, "What's going on." He moves swiftly through the dark passage, illuminating his wand as he does. Daphne and I hurry behind him, trying to catch up.

Neville explains, "This passageway connects to the Hog's Head in Hogsmeade, it's one of the seven secret passages into Hogwarts. Luckily, since it's in the Room of Requirement, it's never been sealed. I've been using it to get food from the Hog's Head since the Carrows have cut off Gryffindor eating privileges."

Daphne looks at him with pity, sad her boyfriend's house is facing such discrimination, while we're still enjoying meals and only minimal beatings, "I'm so sorry, Neville. I wish we could have helped out more. I didn't even know–"

"It's alright," He squeezes her hand, and a pang of longing... for Draco shoots through me, "The Carrows would have had you tortured for weeks if they found out."

We continue walking. It's felt like a little over fifteen minutes as we talk amongst ourselves, the walls change from structured stone to sheer rock to packed dirt. We must be deep underground, judging by how many stairs we've walked down, "So are we going to the Hog's Head to get food?" I ask as we begin to walk up a staircase. 

"No. Even better," Neville smiles, glancing forward. The passageway seems to end in a sudden flat wall. Neville pats around it, before it suddenly swings forward, just like the painting back in the Room of Requirement. 

On the other side, standing in the Hog's Head, is Harry, Ron and Hermione. 

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