"Soooooo... That just happened!" I exclaim in a disbelieving tone.

"It did," Mrs. Violets puts simply, "Now Shawn, you can stay here first period if you want." Violets offers.

"I mean, yeah sure! My first period is history and it's my least favorite subject." He smiles cheekily.

"Great! Now play me a song!" I grin, "Let us see if you're still a decent cello player," I joke.

"Oh it's on!" He takes long strides, sits in a plastic chair, and picks up his cello, "Pick a song." He commands.

"Anything Soon Hee Newbold," I stare him down, "And may the odds be ever in your favor," I quote from, The Hunger Games trying to keep a straight face.

He just ignores me and starts playing a Soon Hee Newbold song I have never heard. The whole time I pay avid attention to the sheet music and the sounds coming from the cello.

I skim over the sheet music and stop... That's a B flat, and he just played a B... "Nope!" I say victoriously.

"What? What did I miss?" He asks, quizzically.

"You played a normal B. You were supposed to play a B flat." I point out.

"That is not a B flat," he argues.

"Yeah it is, you see how this symbol looks like it's almost pointing down?" I point at the flat symbol.

"And that means the note is flat." Shawn says realising his mistake.

"Yup!" I jump up in joy.

"And I just lost the bet," he groans. You see, before he started playing we made a bet. If he plays his song without any mistakes he can ask for anything he wants and if I play my song without any mistakes I can ask him for anything I want. If we both won or lost we would either get something from the other or nothing from the other.

"Hey! Don't forget about me, I still have a shot!" I nudge him playfully, "And if I win I want you to take me to the gelato place right by school!"

"Ooh gelato! Now I want gelato, and if you play without mistakes that'll give me an excuse to stop by there after school!" Shawn does a little chair dance.

"You do know you have to pay then," I ask him carefully.

He abruptly stops chair dancing. He looks at me in disbelief and says, "Yeah, I knew that! Why'd you have to ruin my happy dance?!" He pouts.

"AWWWWW! SHAWN! You looked like a little toddler pouting! It was sooooooo cute!" I use my baby voice while pinching each Shawns cheeks.

"Shut it, Willow!" He glares at me.

"Okay, okay, pick any song you want me to play." I tell him.

"Any song? Like out of that whole stack of sheet music I can pick any song?" He questions with a disbelieving expression on his face. But nonetheless he goes and picks out some sheet music.

"Yeah, I spend most of my time here. My schedule is kinda wacky. I took my MAPS test and my score was high enough for me not to take normal classes if I don't want to," I put simply.

"Wow! I wish I was that smart! What does your schedule look like?" He asks me while putting the music on the stand.

"I have Orchestra until lunch, then I have Spanish, Writing, and Orchestra for my last hour." I explain.

"I thought that you don't have normal classes like writing?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"I said I didn't have to take them if I don't want to." I repeat, "Plus I love writing and it goes along with reading. Sometimes Ms. Jackie just lets me read in class and other times she lets me write."

"That must be nice, not doing subjects you hate." He looks at me, "I'm jealous!"

I just laugh, "My day is actually just like yours, I might have had a bit of freedom with my schedule, but now I'm stuck with it until we finish high school. But then I'll just go off to Harvard, Yale, or some Ivy League School." I conclude.

"You said that so casually," he laughs, "I'll probably get drafted into the NFL since there are scouts already pinning me down as a candidate." His smile drops at the last part.

"What, do you not want to get drafted  into the NFL?" I wonder.

"I do, it's just I want to go to college first academically. I want to be educated, but I don't know if they will wait for me." He reveals.

'Oh shoot, what do I say to that?' I think racking my brain for a response.

"Well, you could just ask." I state the obvious.

"Really Sherlock, I didn't think of that," he remarks sarcastically, "But what if they won't let me go to college first. I don't know what I'll choose." He says on a more serious note (no music pun intended)! :)

"Do what makes you happy." I decide, "If you're not happy with what you are doing you shouldn't do it. That'll be your job and you should be happy when going to work."

"It's not all about happiness in life Willow, you have to do what you can to provide for your family." He says coldly.

"I'm sorry if I offended you in some way, but I'm just speaking my mind." I tell him.

Shawn sighs, "Yeah, I know there's just something that I haven't told anybody... It's kinda, maybe, very personal..." He looks down.

"You can tell me if you want, it's not like I have any friends to tell," I partially joke.

"But you do have a friend." He states.

"Who? I'm legitimately curious who's name you're going to say." I put my elbow on my knee while resting my head in one hand.

"Me!" He jumps up while pulling me up with him.

"Omph," I groan when I smack my face into his rock hard chest.

"Sorry," he scratches the back of his.

"It's fine, but are you ever going to tell me about that secret?" I inquire.

"Yeah," he sighs, "I'll actually tell you right now if you want?" He offers.

Hope you liked this chapter! This book requires tons of editing and I don't even know when I'll get to that. Maybe at the very end I'll ask you if you all think I should edit some more, or if I should just leave it... But anyways, after this chapter I'll post many different book covers my Orchestra class made for me (the irony I'm writing an Orchestra story and my Orchestra class is making book covers)! They're awesome just wait till you all see them!!!

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