>I love you<

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As we all sit around the table me and Louis next to each other there on one side and my mum and Lottie on the other we start to eat the delicious food my mum has made.

I still haven't told my mum about me and Louis i just hope she's alright with it

"So how are you Louis haven't seen you in months " my mother says now looking at Louis.

"Really good Anne it's been amazing" Louis replies with and gives a massive smile to my mum.

"Great I'm happy how are you Lottie" she asks know looking at lots.

"I'm great it's been a pleasure with hazza around even though we dint get to do half of what we planned" Lottie says looking shocked at what she just said I just panic I don't want my mom to reject me and Louis I need him he's the best thing that's ever came to me except Lottie.

"Oh why was that H" my mum says know looking at me

I cant lie to her that wouldn't be believable at all

I have to tell her

I have to

"Well mum for the past week it's been the best time of my life I can't describe how good it's been."

I look in my mothers eyes and hope that she won't hate me or Louis I feel a warm hand on my inner thigh and instantly know it's the love of my life, I said it.

It may be to soon to know but you just know I know I do it's this fuzzy feeling a thing can't be describe in one word.

"H go on I won't hate you just tell me" my mother says now placing one of her hands on mine that are placed on the table.

"Well I've got a boyfriend now mum" I said.

"Oh that's wonderful so who is he? is he cute? when can I meet him?" I laugh a little bit at how she's being with this then I think of how I'm gonna tell her that it's the boy right next to me.

"He's definitely cute you've already met him and I hope you like him" I
say not wanting to give it away so soon.

"Oh I've met him already, oh is it that kid Jamie I think his name is"

I look at my mum and shake my head then I look to Louis who's looking at me like so who's this Jamie I just shrug it of with a laugh then turn back to my mum.

"Come on then Harry tell me" my mother says getting inpatient by the minute

"Well" I look towards my mum then to Louis then to to Lottie then back to my mum.

"It's Louis" I blurt out and then I hear I squeal of excitement.

"Really omg" my mother says jumping out of her seat and running to me and Louis side giving us both a massive hug.

"Your not angry or upset?" I ask confused on why she's so happy about this.

"Why would I be angry or upset I cant stop you and Louis liking each other can I and I love Louis like a second son and I'm happy you two finally got together." My mother says looking at me lovingly

Then I'm in confusion what does she mean finally got together.

"What do you mean finally?" Louis and I say at exactly the same time.

"Well you two when you younger were joined at the hip never leaving each other's sides." She's says looking at us and giving us a massive smile.

"If anyone of you got hurt or anything came up the other would be there but it stopped when Louis went to high school but you two would still make time to see each other but over time you drifted and I won't forget Lottie she was there you was like the three musketeers all making trouble but Louis just drifted but this brought you together and I'm so happy it did and your mother needs to pay up" my mum says laughing.

"You bet on us getting together" I ask

"Oh yea sorry" she says laughing and bringing all three of us into a hug.

"I love you all very much" my mother says and we all say it back

>listen to summer love by 1d honestly Louis and zayns voice are so beautiful so are the others 🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️<

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