☁️Yang Jeongin - Kindergarten Kids

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When they called you in with the news that you got the job as a kindergarten teacher, you couldn't have been more ecstatic... until you stepped into the room of screaming, rampant five-year-olds. And it didn't help that the Head Master basically locked you in there after only instructing you to wait for their class teacher to show up so you could shadow him.

But who knows how long that would be. Would you last long enough what with the wrangle of kids wrestling in a corner? Another hoard was tearing books and plushies off the cupboards and sending them flying, and- wait, was that one kid shoving a crayon up his nose? Dear lord, when will this teacher show up-

The door swung open, and until then you hadn't realized you had your back pressed firmly against the wall behind it. You peaked over the bag held to your chest, suddenly feeling all the confidence you had that morning abandoning your body.

The teacher strode into the centre of the classroom with an air of that confidence that you were missing, but with purpose. He was almost intimidating actually; what with those muscles you were wondering what someone looking like him would be doing teaching a bunch of kindergarteners. Until, he smiled.

Gosh, he wasn't just smiling, he was radiating with this glow of fondness at the scene laid out in front of him. You wondered how someone could have such a tender look in his eyes looking at it.

He clapped his hands together, and, as if breaking a spell, the chaos halted and the kids came rushing to sit on the rug with a new-found look of shining innocence. You were convinced the change probably was a spell.

"Good morning, class," he said in an almost sing-song voice.

"Good morning, Teacher Yang," they echoed in an off-pitch chorus. It was quite cute actually, the way some would constantly be shifting in their places and some would be muttering nonsensically to themselves.

"Now, as you can see, we have a new teacher joining us here today." He gestured in your direction, reminding you that you forget what you actually came for. "Well, maybe not a teacher just yet, so for now she's our guest. Please make Miss (Y/N) feel welcome."

They each rang in a welcome, and you finally managed to stand up straight and wave back politely. He waved to the seat next to him, indicating you should sit down, and so you did.

"Jeongin, pleasure to meet you," he whispered, to which you nodded. Jeongin reached into a desk drawer and pulled out a book to present to the children. "Today we'll be reading a story called 'The Three Little Pigs.'" Oh, you remembered this one, feeling your heart rate steadying. "Are you guys ready?"

The kids scooted closer to the beanbag he sat on, their faces lit with bright, promising eyes all landing on him.

Jeongin cleared his throat and began: "Once upon a time, there were three little pigs: Binnie, Hannie, and Minnie. These pigs were starting a new adventure by living on their own, so the first thing they did was build houses. Well, Minnie built a house. The other two were lazy and instead went to go look for some food, scavenging for mushrooms and berries and such in the forest. And well, Minnie didn't mind, as long as they weren't bothering him.

So Binnie and Hannie went gathering to fill their basket, only it took them longer than it should have because they kept eating what they were supposed to be storing. And while they were doing this, they didn't realize that a big, grey wolf had been following them, his snout sniffing at the air hungrily.

Soon enough, they came upon a clearing where they decided to rest. But when their little pig ears picked up the sound of the twigs snapping and the stomping of wolf paws, they ran off. Let me tell you, these pigs may be lazy but they sure knew how to run, and boy did they run with their basket of food.

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