❔Felix - Play Date

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Oh, to see you grow up again would be my biggest wish.

To see your smile as it was the day we first met, it was your sister who introduced us. I remember how your skepticism soon turned into friendliness on our first play date.

Remember how you used to run your fingers through my hair as we sat on your bedroom floor? You used to tell me everything, things the people outside of these walls couldn't know.

Day after day, I learned more about you than you did me. I had the map of freckles on your face memorized the way an astronomer studies constellations. I learned the rhythm of your heart beating as if it were my own. Your laugh and your smile kept me going just as much as your cuddles on our sleepovers.

On some nights, I'd wake up to find dried streaks of tears on your usually radiant face, but it was alright as long as you held on to me.

Before I knew it, your video game collection grew larger and larger, and I'd watch you welcome home each one with open arms. I could never help clean the mess you'd always leave behind, though you never blamed me for that. You simply set me to the side.

You set me aside when your friends came over and I was left to watch you turn into someone else.

You set me aside when you got your wallpaper changed and your wardrobe revamped. When you spent less and less time in your room and all I could do was watch you through the window.

I was gathering dust by the time your textbooks littered your floors instead, but you crawled into bed that night same as usual. With clumsy hands, you retrieved me from the cramped space under your bed and cradled me in your arms.

But I suppose I shouldn't feel too bad.

Because you're here now. I lay in the crook of your arm, just like all those years ago. Your tears run down my celluloid cheeks as I gaze blankly at your clouded eyes, even as your warmth felt foreign.

I wish I could hug you back the way you always did. To share the pain that you always carried on your own. However, glass eyes can't cry.

A Moment In Time | Stray Kids x Reader | Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن