❔Seo Changbin - Red Wine

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Warnings: Alcohol, Drink spiking, Implied sexual assualt

🎵 Vampire - Dominic Fike

Everyone at this party's a vampire.

The thought circles your mind like the red wine swirling around in your cup. You'd long since resorted to staying by the bar after taking a single step in this place. You couldn't explain it but the way everyone looked at each other here made your skin prickle and the hair at the back of your neck stand on end.

The only reason for your staying at a stranger's house at unholy hours of the night was Changbin, but he'd slipped away not ten minutes since you arrived.

You brought the plastic cup to your lips and downed the last of the ruby liquid. When you set it down again, you found someone had slid onto the seat next to you, an uncomfortable distance away.

"Red wine is a bold choice for a party," he commented, his voice akin to grime sticking to your throat.

You simply shrugged. Your lips hugged the edges of the cup even though it was emptied. "I like the sophistication it gives me," you drawled nonchalantly, setting the cup down with a disappointed grimace.

A coy smirk played at his lips as he called a bartender over. "How about I get you some real drinks, sweetheart." Before you could form a reply, he'd already requested for two shots of tequila.

Maybe it was the alcohol getting to your brain (you'd stopped counting the number of refills after the floor started giving way) that made you miss the gleam of malice in his eyes. You couldn't even make out his face amongst the blurred lights, couldn't think straight when he handed you the shot glass and all that was going through your mind was reaching for another drink.

You look it in your hands cross-eyed, and bring it to your lips. But before a drop of the liquid could touch your tongue, the glass was sent flying onto the table and knocking over a bottle of red wine. Pools of ruby spilled over the bar counter, staining your white blouse like a blood stain.

"Stay away from her." It was Changbin, and he practically growled.

The man beside you shrunk into his seat but still attempted to remain composed. "Hey now, I don't think that was necessary-"

"Don't act like I didn't just see you spiking her drink." Changbin grabbed your wrist and pulled you behind him. It was hard to ignore your soaked clothes but not more than the scowl he bore sharp as a dagger.

"I was trying to have some fun.."

"And I'm sure you wanted to have a lot of fun with her afterwards, is that it?" Even through the ongoing din of the party, Changbin's yell stunned a few of the nearby party-goers, attracting unwanted attention that left you retreating behind his back. The man looked visibly frightened, understandably so. You knew well how scary Changbin could be when he was mad. Your mind was just too wasted to comprehend it right then and there.

He shot the man the dirtiest look he could muster before pulling you along away from the gathering crowd. "Let's go, (Y/N)."

By the time you were a good distance away in the hallway, you tugged on his arms in protest. "Changbin, stop-"

"Stop what?" He was still yelling. "Stop and that guy take you away to who knows where and do who knows what to you? Do you know how worried I got when I couldn't find you?" Even in the dimness of the lights, the flash of fear in his eyes were unmistakable. It made guilt struck your heart.

"I'm sorry." All your words came out in a slur, but you hoped your hold on his hands would help him understand. "I know I should have watched how much I drank and what I drank and I- I wasn't thinking when I-"

At some point you'd lost your footing and started to fall forward, but it didn't take long for him to catch you in his arms and wrap you in his embrace. You were so close you swore you could hear the erratic beats in his chest.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought you to this party."

With shaking hands and rapidly blinking eyes, you began to rub circles on his back, mumbling an "Issokay" into his sleeve.

Changbin sighed, heaving you into his arms. "Let's bring you home alright?"

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