☁️Kim Seungmin - Birthday Card

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Another crumpled sheet of paper flew across the room. The sound of more pencil scribbling followed. It was starting to get frustrating. Why couldn't you just get it right? You scratched your scalp with the back end of the pencil, a groan escaping your lips as your head hit the surface of the desk.

For the past hour, you'd been going back and forth on your letter for Seungmin's birthday card. It was supposed to be mailed to Korea in time for his birthday, but none of the words you were writing made sense; they didn't feel like they were portraying what you wanted to say.

It was upsetting. How the words betrayed you when you needed them most.

Your fingers played with the corner of the new sheet of paper that you were blankly staring at. The only words written were 'Dear Seungmin, happy birthday!'

Why couldn't you get the words out as easily as Seungmin did? For as long as you knew him, and as long as you've dated, it always seemed like he had a way with words. So effective in getting his point across eloquently. You wished you could do the same, especially when it was as important as for his birthday, which you couldn't even go see him for because of your exams.

This was one of the hardest things for you studying abroad: the fact that you seeing him was only possible during holidays. But between those times, you lived on video calls and the occasional letters he would send you through the mail. Really, those were what kept you going.

So why couldn't you find anything to thank him back with?

You sighed, sitting straight back on your seat. A quick slap on your cheeks forced you to concentrate. "Come on, (Y/N), for Seungmin," you affirmed. And without another passing thought, you put the pencil to the paper and began writing away.

Dear Seungmin, happy birthday! It's been a long time since we saw each other. Did you miss me? I know I did. Actually, I was sniffing your hoodies cause I missed you-

Nope, that was a weird thing to write for his birthday. Maybe write something simpler. You rubbed off the surface of the paper, dusting the shavings away.

I hope you're eating well. I wish I could come back to you and give you all the food in the world. And hugs too, I wish I could hug you until you choke. I just love you so so so m-

"Urgh, too cringy." You immediately rubbed that off, feeling yourself almost choke.

You couldn't believe you just wrote that. The last thing you wanted was to come off as clingy and attention-starved.

Perhaps you should try taking a different approach? So with pursed lips, you began writing again.

How have you been? I know you're busy with promotions right now and I just wanted you to know that if you don't win anything this time then the whole system is rigged and I-

Absolutely not. You didn't want to pressure him or anything, especially since you already know too well how hard he worked. All you wanted was to make sure he recognized that and got what he deserved for all of his and the group's efforts.

Still, that shouldn't be something you imposed on him. He should know that whatever he does now, you'd be proud of him.

At this point, wrinkles were forming in the paper from how much you rubbed off it. Before you could it, the sheet was beginning to tear until the whole bottom section was ripped with your last stroke.

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