☁️Yang Jeongin - Flower Shop

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Enchanting, since the first day he found you standing outside his mother’s floral shop. A new batch of sunflowers had just been placed by the storefront, and through the tinted windows, he could have sworn it was a fairy who came to visit her garden.

There was a part of him that wished you would step inside, though maybe you just came to windowshop. He knew many faces who stopped to catch scent of the new arrivals. Whatever the reason, he was well content to be able to admire from his spot behind the counter instead. It wasn’t his place to meddle with magical things.

Yet by whatever magic involved, his wish was answered with the soft chime of the door reaching his ears. The rest could have been left to the wind for all he knew, the moment your voice infused the room with a sound he found lovelier than the birds chirping by the window sill every morning.

It was strange. The way summers of routine would evaporate under your intent gaze as he struggled to find peace at mind while he tended to your order. For a friend’s birthday party, the simplest of arrangements: pink and yellow roses wrapped in sun-coloured tissue paper and an ivory ribbon. But somehow he kept nipping himself in the thorns and scissors while working the ribbon, and every time he did so a giggle would escape your lips and leave a creeping blush that rose to his cheeks.

By the end of it, he was sure his face resembled that of the vase of dahlias on the counter. It wasn’t until you pointed it out did he find out that he’d accidentally tied his pinkie to the bouquet, and so with a sheepish, dimpled smile he hastily freed himself and handed it over to you. Blushing and all.

“Thank you…” you read off his name tag, “Jeongin.” Smiling, you walked out. Poppy lips and eyes bright as marigold. Magic indeed, he concluded.

“Thank you. Come again!” He called just as the glass door shut behind you.

And that you did. On many occasions, you came bristling through the doors with anticipation of the upcoming events. Birthday parties, weddings, school functions.

Whatever it was, he loved having you around - adore, rather. It was like wherever you stepped you left a trail of pixie dust that left light and love in your waking. They’d seep through the cracks in the bricks of the flower shop and help the flowers grow just as much as help attract new customers to stop by. Business increased steadily as more and more passersby soon became regulars. And he could thank the warmth in your smile for that.

“Wow, (Y/N). You’re really coming for my job, huh?” He remarked one afternoon after an elderly couple purchased some newly bloomed lilies. “I’ll just sit back while you finish off my shift, that okay?” Jeongin leaned back on the chair, crossing his legs over the counter.

“Hey, put your feet down! Your mom would kill you,” you swatted at his sneakers with the latest newspaper. “I just came to do homework here cause it’s peaceful. Don’t go making me want to change my mind on that. I don’t know what I do that makes so many people want to check this place out that the flowers haven’t done already.”

“Well,” he swung his legs off and leaned forward. “The flowers don’t have eyes that can outshine the sun.” He shrugged as if it was obvious.

You simply rolled your eyes, letting out a chuckle. “I’d stay here all day if I could, especially if you’re around. You’re such a sweetheart, Jeongin.”

Another missed hit. Jeongin sighed, but it seemed you didn’t notice, your back facing him towards another one of the vases.

“Hey, Jeongin?”


“Is it just me or is the water in this vase bluer than usual?”

He shook the bangs out of his eyes to look at the opaque vase you were referring to. “Oh, the blue roses? They were originally white but we feed them with water dyed blue so they get that pigment. That’s what you see in the shops selling them.”

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