🩹Bang Chan - Late Night Drive

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There you were, head resting on your palm as you overlooked the passing view. The chilly wind whipped around your open window, flirting with the loose strands of your hair. Soft music played on the radio, the playlist chosen by none other than the person driving beside you.

It was here, at this moment, that you wished you could stay forever.

Everything was in place. It all made sense to you. The way the Moon's silvery glow reflected in the side-view mirror. The way the bustling city lights slowly faded into the backdrop, leaving only the night sky, stretching endlessly into the distance, to shed light in your line of sight.

You closed your eyes as you let the delicate sounds resonate in your ears. Oh, how the beautiful silence from the outside left perfect resonance for the music. So perfect was the way Chan's hoodie was too many sizes too big for you but still provided warmth in all the right ways. Even the song playing at that moment was comforting, lulling you into a waking sleep.

Your cold-nipped fingers brushed against the fleecy fabric of his hoodie, which you'd been implored to wear by the very person taking you out that night. Not that you were complaining. After all, it was warm, smelled of home.

He was warm. His warm hand intertwined its fingers around yours, tightly yet gently, as if they couldn't let you go too far, yet not too close that they'd feel pressure. His other hand was on the wheel, but even that didn't stop his eyes from glancing at your figure, looking so at peace in the moonlight.

You could practically hear all the worrying thoughts in his head. Because not an hour ago were you under such overwhelming stress back home, and yet here, it looked like you had finally recollected yourself, serene once again like an undisturbed pond.

It was comforting to know how content he feels when he sees the delicate smile gracing your lips, so you made sure he could see just how happy you were. How happy he made you feel.

You squeezed his hand in assurance, intoxicated from the night air. Addicting was how the fresh breeze was to your nose. The taste of volition dancing on your tongue. It was too liberating, and you were high on it.

From here, you were taken away. Away from the things that made your head hurt. And he was taking you there.

There were no words that needed to be exchanged between you. When he turned towards you, the only thing that was of any relevance to him at that moment was how bright the stars in your eyes twinkled, equivalent to those shining out above. And he knew, you were happy.

These late night drives made you happy.


*Inspired by A Typical Teenage Love Song by Tate McRae

A Moment In Time | Stray Kids x Reader | OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora