☁️Kim Seungmin - Wintery Kiss

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Ah, Winter. The season of snow. Snow in any and all forms. Snowballs, snowmen, snow angels, blanketing all surfaces in pristine white. The season of holiday and gift-giving, when children's laughter bubbled through the chilly air in the form of icy breaths.

Ironically, it was also the time of most warmth to you. The crackling fireplace you were sitting by aside, wintertime gave you an excuse to stay another minute or two in bed to cuddle with him. It gave you an excuse to hoard all his hoodies in your closet, for the nights you knew he'd be out late.

But it was all fine. Because just as how snowflakes melted at the touch of your frost-bitten fingertips, he caved in to your warmth, where you knew he was contented to stay.

"Hey, what are you doing? It's freezing outside," he said, setting down a mug before shutting the window. For a second, his eyes glimmered with worry as he brushed off the white flakes from your hair, then traced his hands down to cup your cheek. "Here, drink up." He placed the steaming mug between your hands.

You scrunched your nose at him, taking a sip of the hot chocolate. "Thank you, Seungmin." He sighed. And when he seemed lost in thought, you seized your chance to steal a brisk kiss from his frigid lips.

There was a moment of magical stillness where you two simply stared into each other. Only you were stifling a smile at the residue of hot chocolate left on his lips and at how stunned he was. The sound of bells chimed somewhere outside, and you let out a light chuckle.

Yes, winter was surely a time of warmth.

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