🩹Hwang Hyunjin - Silent Battle

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What a battle. A long drawn out battle. Warring on all fronts: past, present, and future, crashing down on you. It was suffocating, so much so that you had to remind yourself just to breathe. On most days, you were able to fight back just fine, surviving to battle through another day. But some days, some days, it felt like too much.

All of it felt like too much. The clashing of silver against silver rang constantly in your ears, drowning out every other sound. It hurt to even hold your ears closed, but even that didn't stop the incessant noise. Even when you yell for it all to stop, just stop, or pause, you knew the world wasn't as gracious as that.

Time was a cruel concept. And you were being toyed in the devil's hands, who used time to taunt you. Time. How strange yet cruel a concept it was. It's like they say, you don't know what you have until you lose it.

But you were too busy watching the grains of sand fall through the hourglass to realize all that you let slip away from underneath, until it was too late.

And so all you were left with, was to sit beneath the everlasting blanket of darkness, and stare at the silvery streaks painted in the sky. It was assuring - the darkness - because of its depth. Sure, you might never truly fathom what it truly holds, or hides, but it never fails to bring you a sort of comfort, in the tranquillity of its profound stillness.

The only thing in that darkness that wasn't still, however, was the moon. The ever-changing moon, whose shape wanes or grows each day. On the nights it was full your eyes could never tear away for its splendor. And on the nights it was hidden, you were left to gaze at the stars instead. Still, you knew it was there, watching over you.

And you could imagine the atmosphere up there. Imagine what zero-gravity battles would feel like. To make all your problems feel lighter than they are. Or just that you're able to stay there for a while to get away from this mess.

Just for a little while... put the world on pause. That's all you ask for.

But for now, another source of light invaded your vision, accompanied by a shuffle of footsteps, and a voice spilling with worry.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N), why are you sitting in the dark like this?" The footsteps got closer, but still, you had your back faced to them. You were gazing up out the window. "(Y/N)?"

Slowly, you dropped your gaze to the floor and inched them up to look at Hyunjin's face, where his mouth hung open.

" (Y/N), why you are crying?" He cried, immediately reaching out his arm to pull you in by your shoulders.

"H-huh?" You were confused, squished between his arms and chest, but confused. And it seemed like your mind was suddenly put into motion again, running, after your train of thought was halted.

It seemed a part of your desires was heard. Inconvenient timing but heard.

It wasn't until you felt a drop explode on the skin of your arm that you truly felt it coming. The rush of emotions you didn't realize you were holding in until then, and it burst like a dam.

You clenched a bundle of fabric from the back of his hoodie, still damp from practice, and buried your face in his shoulder. Finally, you let it out. This battle you fought alone.

Here, in the safety of this room, where the light cast shadows of your silhouettes against the window panes, of him holding onto you as if he was scared of letting you slip away, of the assurance of the moonlight illuminating the night, you felt it was alright to let this battle go.

Here, in the warm comfort and security of his arms, you felt it was alright to lose this battle, because the war isn't over yet.


A/N: Another late night post. I did choke up a bit writing some parts. Sorry if some things don't make much sense. It's nearly midnight here and I just needed to get this nonsense from yesterday out of my head.

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