Chapter 18

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My son finally got someone pregnant but it turns out to be a guy, I know we demons could get anyone pregnant but why did my son choose this guy?What was so damn special about this boy that my son the kill of hell went out of hi way to make him pregnant. I wanted to go see it for my own eyes if he was capable of holding my grandchild in his body, when I entered the house all eyes were on me. When I entered the house their eyes pierced me hard and was actually able to make me shiver.

Both my sons were actaully here and they both were protecting someone, the people they were protecting were twins yay great more twins shit. Don't get me wrong I love my boys but the little shits put me through the ringer being twins, if they were not my children I would have killed them. Everyone who has kids has felt this before but my children were literal demons they are the worst type of children, but they grew up when there mom died.

I was so heart broken but that was what I get for falling in love with a human they are weak creatures and will die very easy, that is the reason why I was against the relationship and was going to try my best to make them break up. However upon coming to the house I found out that a guy was pregnant with my grandchild, it shouldn't be possible for him to get pregnant no matter who strong or loyal we were, but I was looking at it and I knew it was my sons baby.

When I got back to reality before I could speak my wife said something to the pregnant boy, I was about to scorn her about that ugh why does she do it. Mew and Tharn were about to speak but then a knife came flying past and I saw her one of the strongest demons that I lost was walking up to my wife. Look don't blame me I love my wife and would protect her from anyone but this person she was fucking scary and I have known her since she was little, I was never able to beat her.

She walked up slowly turning into her she-devil form her original form if you must, she said something and her boys dragged my sons and their dad somewhere. I knew I should follow them so I did but before I could leave she-devil closed the door with me in it. " Hello again, leaving me so soon after not seeing me for such a long time, now you bring this snank in my house and let her call my sons ugly, my babies that love your fucking sons, and you didn't even stand up for them, so your next".

Wait wait wait I didn't do shit that was all her there is no reason for you to make me any part of this, and my sons didn't say nothing to her when she said that how come they get too leave and I don't. I had to watch my wife be dragged and beat almost to death before these humans bust in and held her down and the guy her husband kissed her roughly, it brought back memories. However she changed back into human form and was fine but there was something in her eyes that told me to stay away from her.

Now I understand more of why my kids were afraid of thier partners, I was more afraid of the human man that could control her like sir how do you deal with her?  After everything died down we all sat down in the lving room to talk about everything. That was until my boys left me to go do some naughty things with there partners, but Tharn looked like he was in for a time of hell. Almost everything that happened was a blurr, my dead wife came back, I have a grandchild on the way....

My wife the person that I made leave hell because the person besides me told me that she was cheating on me and she had proof. If that was the case why would Godd take her under, there is no way that he would take the demon rulers wife and let her stay in heaven for all these damn years. So all these years I stayed hating her for something that she has never done? I felt like the biggest idiot especially when she was talking to my current wife fuck it hurt's so damn bad.

It had been a couple of days since I last saw her and I couldn't get her out of my mind, I missed her but there was no way that she would ever take me back. My current wife has been trying to talk to me but there is something about her that I just can't shake off, why would she lie to me I thought that she really loved me and my kids? Isn't that why she wanted to pair her kids ? Why doesn't everything make sense anymore after seeing my wife with Godd.

I was thinking about this when I felt my son's anger and the next minute we were in the hospital room with him and Gulf's mom looking like they were about to murder me and Sandy. She looked ready and when Mew asked Sandy why would she try and hurt the child Gul's mom came launginhg at us. I am axtually shocked that Sandy still tried something after being beaten half dead by thier mom, fuck I was even scared of that lady but more afraid of thier dad lucky that he wasn't here.

My son was talking to Sandy and the only part that I really heard was that she was in the lowest of lows in the pits of hell, meaning that there were multiple if not thousands of demons that she slept with. Yeah it does sound bad but what the hell did you think it's fucking hell for fuck sakes, nasty dirty and bad things happen to everyone. This also means that her kids were born of gangbang or gangrape, I heard the people down there are pretty bad.

If she got into the family and we did listen to her that means whoever the real father of those girls are he would want to take over. See being the king of hell or the ruler is something that you have to fucking fight for because who wants to follow under a weak leader. Mew and Tharn both had to go through these fights but the last one they didn't want to fight so Tharn gave up because he couldn't hurt his brother, I wish that were the case for me, I killed my own brother.

Only after I finished I realized what the fuck I did, that is something that I will regret for however long I have. Sandy only was doing this because she wanted to get away from the bottom of hell I understand that but to try and put someone above me is unforgivable. I was fuming with anger that I didn't catch on to it sooner, the only reason that she didn't get what she wanted is because of my sons and how they really didn't like women and yes I knew that.

Mew was still talking but there was a sound that made us all shut up and look at each other in shock, the babies were born but how come we didn't hear anything and did they hear anything from us? We all rushed over there to see Gulf crying and holding two babies in his hands, after a split second Gulf started screaming saying it hurts. When the doctors went and looked at what was wrong. "There is one more baby in here, the boys must have been protecting her so why couldn't see her"

I watched as they took this baby out of a cut mans belly and how he just gave birth too three kids one that no one knew he even had. How do you miss a whole baby though, this baby was very skinny and so small, they needed special care for that baby Gulf became really worried about her but what would we name her ? Mew had the boys and Gulf was following everything that the nurses where doing with his daughter he did not leave her side even once.

I remember when Mew's mom was pregnant with both Mew and Tharn, Tharn was a little weak and she wouldn't leave him at all saying it's her little baby.  "You should put them all together it will help a lot, I did the same thing with Mew and Tharn and it worked out well". I gave them advice and Gulf was the one who listened to me and put Bright and Alexander near the girl and they were holding her hands and she started to cry which was a very good thing very good.


Hay guys are you alright ? How is life treating you ?
This chapter was hard to do because I really didn't know where I was going to go with thier dad but I think it works out this way

Also I wanted you guys to name the baby girl please

I thought about this when MewGulf did that live with the kids and both of them were in pain seeing the tiny baby in the ICU bubble

Also my instagram is  @kana_nalabl ( please give a follow if you want )

this is a BL and Hentai place so if you don't like it it's not for you

Last thing if I made things like sweaters shirts keychains " would you like it ?

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