Chapter 16

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Mew's POV

It been a week since that mess happened and everything seemed to be going well and it was amazing, my step mother didn't even try to bother us anymore because she is scared of the twins mother. Who wouldn't be that woman is scary when it comes to her boys and not letting anyone hurt her kids. She will be one bad ass grand mother. The only problem that we have is we don't know what to name the kids since they are twins two boys.

I want the name Alexander for one and Gulf is alright with that but we just don't know what to name the other one. We were going to let people name it for us but there were a lot of fucking pricks that I didn't mind showing up in thier lving room at night. Scared a lot of people who were only brave behind a fucking screen, but I promised Gulf that I wouldn't hurt any of them just give them a good scare, which worked for me because I have seen way to many people piss thier pants.

That alone was fine for me, my baby Kana was pregnat with my child as I was happy as happy could be, I was about to be a father and I had this gorgeous man as mine the only thing that I needed to do now is put a ring on his finger, I had to it with few people. So I asked some of my best friends like Boom and Singto for help in what I should do to not mess this up, this was my love the one that I wanted to be with for the rest of my damned hellish life.

There would have to be steps taken so that he no longer will die and ould be with me forever and all, the only problem is that he is pregnant and there is a chance that he may die. Which is why I have been very aware of everything that he is doing, I know that could be very annoying but I am very afraid of what will happen. I don't want my kids to grow without thier mother, even though he is a man but he still is pregnant and well he is an angel and looks like one.

I actually went to work today because Gulf kicked me out of the house and said that if anything happens that he will call or that I can just feel it. I am the damn boss of a big company , I am also the fucking devil why the hell am I scared of my damn wife, for anyone who isn't afraid ,fuck you. What I have learned so far is that a lot of husbands are afraid of thier wives and I finally understood why they were afraid of them. Just like how Mike was afraid of Terri

When that man got married to Terri he said yes he is in love with her but just because she is small doesn't mean she is not scary. Gulf is smaller than me but I rather not make him angry because that will be more trouble for me and I don't need that. Boom and Singto finally came in and we started planning on how I was going to ask Gulf too marry me, and they said the first step is to ask Gulf's dad for permission, I zapped Gulf's dad in here as fast as I could.

He looked shocked for a second before looking at me and asked me what if he were naked, I really don't want to see the sight of that, I onlly want to see Gulf naked bounci---- focus Mew come on. I walked to the father and for the first time I bowed down to ask a human for permission for something. I asked him if I could marry his son and he picked me up with tear in his eyes and gave me a big smile and told me yes, but also as a parent told me not to make him cry.

I told him I can't promise that because when I get down on one knee he might cry and we all laughed. There was something that I didn't tell my best friends, Boom called Tul so that all of them could hear the news which they might have heard from the TV. The news about Gulf being pregnant is true and he is due pretty soon, so your going to be uncles, I need you to help me pick out a name for one of them since I already named the other one Alexander.

For some reason I love that name and will continue to love that name don't get me wrong I will love all my kids no matter what. There was a name that Gulf really liked which was Bright and it honestly seemed like the best to me since my baby picked it out. We were almost prepared for everything but I didn't know when I was going to ask the question there was never a right time because everyone seemed to want to make themselves present.

I was working like a good man should but I couldn't help thinking about my baby and how I wanted to be near him and since I am the boss of my own company I could do whatever the hell I wanted. Iwent home and went to see my soon to be husband and I cursed myself because I had to drive because Gulf made me take the car when I could have just zapped myself there but he didn't want me coming back so damn soon. The fucking traffic man how could people even live with this shit.

I made it home and it took me and hour and a half which I will never be doing again, when I was about to enter the house Gulf called and he yelled at me to hurry my ass up  because it's time, I was confused. I entered the house and everyone was running around and looked crazy I could smell the panick in the house and went to find Gulf, he saw me and made grabby hands at me which was cute but he was in pain and there was no time be falling even more in love

"Now would be a perfect time for you to do that zappy thingy, I want these kids out of me, and so do they". I laughed and zapped us to the hospital where Tharn was so that he could but there was no way that was happening. We were both sets of twins so it would be wierd for Gulf to hsve my brother open him up since he has my face.When we came to the hospital they took charge and wouldn't let me in the room and my anger was boiling, my brother smacked me across the head.

They finally let me in only because Gulf begged them to let me be in there since I am the father. The nurses were tryoing to flirt with Gulf but their attention was mostly on me. I could care less my baby was about to give birth and still manger to look better than the nurses pushing up they tits for me to see. Gulf was close to giving birth and he would have to do surgery soon, I put a protection spell on all three of them so that if a doctor had a bad thought nothing would happen.

A/N Mike and Terri are from my other book that I just started .please support that one as well I hope I do good

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