Broken Wings

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"I was looking for a diary for Master Sage" Eli said

"And where is this Diary" Kenan asked

"Why do you need to know" I asked

"Give me the diary Sage, NOW" Kenan demanded

"... Fine, it should be on the desk" I said a little scared

"Why do you have this kind of diary" Kenan asked reading the dairy

"So that only people who share my mother's blood can open it. It has almost all her secret recipes and family games. Is that something you should be worrying about" I asked

"Really, I don't like when you lie to me Sage" Kenan said walking up to me

"I'm not lying, you read it. My mother wanted to do this but she never found the book. Though Lei was able to find it for me. Now I can do what my mother always wanted to do. I want the girls to see this, so if they ever want to see our family recipes they could" I said

"Eli get out" Kenan demanded

"Yes, Master Kenan" Eli said then left the room

"How did you even know about the diary" I asked getting more scared since I was left alone

"Rumored" Kenan said behind me

"And you believed them. I never took you as that kind of man" I said trying not to tremble

"Well you never really asked many question or even got to know the real me" Kenan said placing his hands around my waist

"If I'm being honest. I stop wanting to know the real you after what you did. I'd rather continue believing who you were is the real you" I said not moving

"I don't care as long as you stay by my side forever" Kenan said kissing my neck

"Why did you come here, Kenan" I asked

"I miss you. You have been giving me the cold for a long time. It's making me sad" Kenan said placing his head on my shoulder

I knew what Kenan really wanted and I didn't want it. Though for the sake of living longer, it had to be done. I turned myself and kissed Kenan. He was a little surprised but he didn't stop it. He picked me up and placed me gently on the bed. It reminded me of the Kenan I fell in love with. Though it didn't change the fact that I hate Kenan. Kenan took off my shirt and started kissing my upper body. He bit me a couple times before he moved his hands under my pants.

Even if I hate Kenan, it didn't change the fact that what he was doing made me hard. Since he is my true love I can only react to him. I hate the lover's contract. He pulled his pants down and took mine off. He pulled me onto him and placed his fingers up my ass. It felt really good since he was being really gentle. Honestly I wanted to cry because I wished that this was real and not just Kenan trying to make me love him again.

I don't even know if Kenan even loves me anymore. Is he just doing this or because he just wants me? I wish I was just over thinking this but it could be true. Kenan placed his dick inside me and started thrusting. I wish I could feel what he was doing so that if I cried he could just think it was just hurting. Though that's not the case for me since I can't feel pain. I wonder what it would feel like if I never had my powers. Did I get these powers because of what was going to happen in the future?

After Kenan was done. He held me as he fell asleep. I would have left, but him holding me was really warm and I didn't want this moment to end. I'm so pathetic and weak. I don't want to hold on to the happy moments just because I'm having a hard time. I can't even hate Kenan when he makes me happy. I guess true love isn't always a good thing. It can be really beautiful like my parents love or toxic like my love. I don't know if this means that I was never supposed to be lived or that I shouldn't be loved.

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