Birthday/ Troubles

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"Oh thank you for coming" Kenan said acting happy

We went down the stairs where Celena and the driver were waiting for us. I could tell they were talking with their eyes because we just passed by them and went straight into the crowd. Kenan let go of my hand and shook an old man's hand. Which upset me a little.

"Hello Father how are you" Kenan said

I'm a total dick for being upset over shaking hands with his own father.

"I'm fine, do you like the party you mother arrange" His father asked

"Yes, it's quite lovely and I also love the gift you recommended" Kenan said holding my hand

"I see, well, anything for my youngest son. Well enjoy the party" His Father said and went away

I wanted to jump off the balcony because I was upset over his own father. I was so embarrassed I didn't look up at all. Then after about 4 hours of answering questions. Kenan took me outside because he needed some air.

"So what are you going to do" Kenan asked

"Huh about what" I asked

"Today is my birthday and you didn't get me anything. Even the maids got me something" Kenan said

"Well, if it isn't the birthday boy" A man said walking up to us

"Oh, I wondered where the person I hated was. Since My father's wife never fails to invite someone I hate" Kenan said annoyed

"Don't be like that Babe. You know I love you" He said hugging Kenan which made me mad

"Adreil, get off me. I am in a relationship with someone else" Kenan said pushing him away

"Oh, is it your new pet. He's cute, we can have a threesome" Adreil said looking at me

"I am not a pet or an object. I am a living creature" I said mad

"Oh how cute. Tell me how did you two meet" Adreil smirked

"..." I stayed silent

"Why does it matter where we met, I met you somewhere not so pleasant either" Kenan said stepping in

"Ok fair, then what does he have that I don't" Adreil asked

"I think I have a good Birthday present, Can you fly" I asked

"No, but why do you ask" Kenan asked surprised

"Well, I'll show you" I said and got on the rail

"Looks like your pet is so embarrassed he is going kill himself" Adreil laughed

"Your half right" I said and fell backwards

There were about 12 floors so I wanted to free fall for a while since I haven't flown in a long time. Then when there was only about 2 floors left I pulled out my wings and flew back up as fast as I could. Everyone saw since they saw me jump off the balcony.

"How about we leave early and go somewhere else" I said getting back on the rail

"" Kenan didn't know what to say

"Not many of my kind can do this, but only the special ones can. Also it's your birthday gift. Are you going to come or an I going to get down" I said holding out my hand

"I'm coming" He said holding my hand

"Wait how do you know it's safe or he won't kill you" Adreil shouted

"Because then he wouldn't be able to run away" Kenan said as I pulled him up

"Where to" I asked hugging him tightly

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