Enyo's Adventure

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We only had to stop twice before we finally made it to the Muddy Monster. On our way here we made sure no one saw us. Though of course we can't be invisible so on one might have seen us. Anyways the Muddy Monster was just as it sounded. It was muddy and there was a monster in that mud for sure. The tentacles were 30 feet tall and 2 feet wide. It was going to be almost impossible to get through.

"Alright how are we going to get past that" Naga asked freaking out

"We Jump" Sabir said calmly

"WHAT" Naga shouted

"Sabir, how are we going to just jump throw. This is mud, we can easily go throw it" I said a little nervous

"...Do you remember Dangerous hopscotch" Sabir smiled

"Ya, but what does tha...OH, right Dangerous Hopscotch. It was a game Enyo made up" I said, understanding

"Um, please do tell me. I know that Enyo made that but what does that have to do with this" Naga said

"Enyo made this game to get through this. She already prepared us for this in weird games she made up. I thought she just wanted it to be more adventures but she wanted us to train without knowing it" Sabir explain

"Ok, but that game is really hard. It's a game you only win by chance not choose" Naga said

"No, actually it is by choice. You just need to find the pattern and clues" Sabir said

"But this is 3 miles. we only did 30 steps and I never made it to the end" I said getting more nervous

"Then we won't make it, but you can always try again. You don't heal pain" Sabir said

"AND ME! I do feel pain and I can barely make it to the end myself" Naga shouted

"We can do this or we can at least try" Sabir said

"....Fine, but you have to carry me" Naga said

"Ok, let's play" Sabir said excited

Sabir was always good at whatever game Enyo made up. Although at first he doesn't make it, he tries again until he understands the game and how to win. For Sabir there is no game by chance. There is always a way to win, by understanding the game, reading people's faces and actions. Lets just say that if he wanted money, he could just go gambling and win without cheating. I can see now why we need Sabir for this mission.

Sabir carried Naga since she was scared. I was on my own and I couldn't follow Sabir since the path always changes. You can't stay in one place to long or move to fast, no flying, and no talking or you fail. I wasn't able to ask Sabir questions so I can get through. I thought she was being mean, but she was just helping us out for the future.

Before I went in I tried my best to focus since if I fail I might die. There are no do overs in this situation. Sabir was already far ahead and going really good with how the situation was. I looked at the mud and saw a dried spot. I jumped on it and thankfully it wasn't a cracked one. You can jump on a cracked one, but you have to jump on the next one in 15 seconds or you lose. You have 45 seconds if you jump on one that isn't cracked.

45 minutes later

I don't know how I was able to last this long but I am really proud of myself. Though every jump I take my heart starts pounding really hard before I take the jump. Then if I survive it calms down until I have 10 seconds left to decide. this is almost torture and I have almost been caught when I scream because I was about to fall. I really do hope you're enjoying this Enyo.

We only had about half a mile left to go. Sabir was already almost to the finish line. I really do hate how scary this is. I hate chance games for sure, they make it seem like I'm going to win then boom, I'm not even in second place, even if there are only two people playing. Chance games just hate me.

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