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"Um No! If you do that it might kill me" I shouted backing up

"You can just heal yourself" Kenan said

"No did you not listen to what I said" I said getting closer to the wall

"Not really but it will be fine" Kenan said pinning me to the wall

"If you cut me there I might die because my ability won't work until it heals like a normal human" I shouted and he stopped

"Fine then where should I cut" Kenan said not moving

"You can cut me around my forearm, upper arm, and legs. Don't cut near the neck, or under part of the stomach. You get it now" I asked a little scared

Kenan nodded his head and grabbed my arm. He cut my forearm a little and I could feel the pain. He licked around that area and I was in a lot of pain since I have never experienced pain for this long. The fact that I have to wait till it heals. Worries me since this isn't going to be the first time he was going to drink my blood. Though I have to say I didn't hate it.

After he was done he left and took the knife with him. I could see the under layer of the first skin. sat down on the floor and looked at my forearm. This was really weird. When I touched the area around the wound, I felt a sting pain.

After I was done admiring my wound and bandaging it up, I got up and went to the bathroom. I took a warm bath and just relaxed. Since I knew I couldn't put my arm in I left it out. The water was warm and it made me kinda sleepy. So when I was done taking a shower I laid down on the bed and looked at the ceiling for a while. Then I went to sleep in my bathrobe.

"Mom, can we have more than one true love" I asked

"No, but our kind turns to people they are interested in when they can't find them or their Lover dies. That happens sometimes, so since we need someone to be next to use, we tend to love who we like" Mom explained

"Then what happens when your true love doesn't love you back" Sabir asked

"That's not possible. If they say that they won't love you back. It's because they are not prepare to share everything with you, or make them belong to you as you will belong to them. So make sure that your true is ready to give you everything including themselves" Mom said

"Ok, what if they say they love you and don't give you everything" Enyo asked

"I don't know since that has never happened before, but if they do that. I think you will get more possessive and want more from then. Eventually if they continue you might lock them up so only you can see them. So try not to fall in love so fast and take your time before you decide to accept them or make sure they do. If you fall first" Mom said

"Mom, maybe it has happen and you just never notice because they are gone" Sabir said

"Maybe that's true but it hasn't happened here since love exceptions happen on truth day" Mom laughed

"What's truth day" Enyo asked

"Truth day is a day where people can only say the truth, but they can also stay silent if they don't want to answer. Oh course they can also find a way around truth day, but nonetheless they tell the truth" Sabir said proud

"Yes, good job Sabir" Mom said patting his head

"Mom, is it possible to fall in love with another kind" I asked

"Maybe, but I have never seen it. But whatever happens there will always be a first for everything" Mom said

"Alright Kids, we should sleep, so mom won't be a monster when she wakes up tomorrow" Dad said coming in the room

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