Don't Love Me

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The research was going well, but since I passed out in front of Kenan. Well I wasn't allowed to enter the lab. All three agreed without arguing, Grace was actually happy about it. Though, Eli came and took my blood so they could continue the research. It wasn't a problem, but now I had nothing to do since I was also not allowed in the library in case I researched there. So I just roamed around the halls not knowing what to do. I didn't really look at the hall names so when I found a training room with weapons I got excited.

"So you think just because Master likes you, you just go in any room" Celena said at the door

"Huh, no I just found this room and it reminded me how much I loved sparing with my sister" I said continuing to wield the sword

"Oh then let me help you out" Celena said and started attacking

Celena was good, but my sister was way better than her. I was having fun sparring with Celena, but she was getting more pissed when she found out I was having fun. Thankfully Enyo would use different style's with me, so I knew what style she was using.

"Alright, lets stop" Celena said

"Well you won, that was fun" I said sitting down

"Who is your sister anyways" Celena asked

"She is Enyo, anything that had to do with fighting or adventure. She was good at it. She's actually twice as old as you are. She had been teaching me different styles since I was 6. She always make sure I wouldn't get defeated when It counted" I said

"Your sister sounds cool" Celena said throwing me some water

"Oh she was. Some people even mistake her for a guy when people talk about her. She could coo, clean, and sew. Though she only learns how to in case something happens during one of her missions. So she only knows the basics. Though she is second best on knowing different styles and third best on winning against anyone" I said

"Who is knows more styles than her" Celena asked

"My mother. That's who she learns about the new styles. My mom can also do even the ones only meant for family members. She knew all different styles except the new one. My sister knows those though. My Mother and brother are the ones who are better than her at winning any fight. My brother second of course" I said

"What about you" Celena asked

"Oh well, I'm not even one the chart. Though I am the second best doctor" I said

"Let me guess your mom is number one" Celena said

"No, it's actually my uncle Thorn. My mom is good and she is third place. Though my uncle Thorn is a miracle worker since he learned everything about medical help because he wanted to be better then my mom at something. The only reason I'm second, is because I don't know much about herds or medicine" I said embarrassed

"Oh, your mom is bad at something" Celena said surprised

"Oh no, she is good with animals, and she knows about all the herds. Though because she couldn't save her own wing, she was in third place" I said

"So just because she had an injury no one could heal. She was put in third" Celena shouted

"Actually they can be healed, but it would take a long time or in my case. I would observe the silver in her wings inside my body. She also didn't want to fix them to remind her of her mistakes in the past" I said a little upset

"What happen that she think she deserves that" Celena asked

"Well, she thought her whole family was dead because she wasn't good at fighting back then. Then her best friend David died protecting her. Also she failed to protect Emma, Liam and Gem. Although the last three are still alive. She did more things she isn't proud of but those are the top three" I said

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