My New Cell

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Days have past since I have seen Kenan or Celena. The only person I see is the maid who comes to clean the room and gives me food. The only reason why I know it's been days is because the maid marks the calendar in my room. So that was very helpful for me at least.

I was planning to ask Kenan if he would help me, but everyday that passes by I rethink my decision. I don't think I'll tell him anything. I don't think I would have asked him anyways. God, I wish he would just show up and do something, being in this room is going to drive me insane or silent for the rest of my life.

I jumped on my bed and let myself fall on the bed. I closed my eyes and went to sleep like a starfish. Like always I dreamed of that night. I saw my father get shot and my home being burned to the ground.

"Calm down your fine" I heard someone say

"..." I get up and saw Kenan laying next to me

"You woke up good" Kenan said getting up

"... You...." I stayed silent and looked at him. He was still wearing a mask but it was different this time. I couldn't see the top part of his mouth

"So you can speak, and you just chose not to or you don't understand what I'm saying" Kenan said

"..." I didn't do anything and just looked at him

"Write" Kenan said throwing me a notepad and pen

I looked at the paper and pen. I didn't pick it up.

"Even an animal would understand what I'm saying. So you enough write your name or I'll shorten the chain and limit your things to do" Kenan said getting in my face

I picked up the notepad and pen. Honestly I was ok with shortening the chain, but I didn't want to be in the same room with him for long. I wrote down my name and gave him the paper.

"So you do understand what I'm saying," Kenan said, taking the paper " Sage? Nice name it suit someone like you" Kenan said throwing the paper on the floor

I was a little mad since throwing things just anywhere was not something my kind would do so easily since animals always roam the streets. Though since this wasn't my home, I tried to brush it off.

"Know are we going to talk or are you going to write down everything" Kenan asked

"..." I was deciding if I should talk

"Well, because if you don't talk it's fine but you better be a fast writer" Kenan said picking up my chin

".... sure" I said

"Good because I don't like silents and your voice is quite nice" Kenan said and let me go

"OK" I said moving to sit at the edge of the bed

"Know here's the thing. I have a... dilemma, yes. Before I say anything you can't tell anyone about this" Kenan said

"I won't talk" I said

"Good, now I'm half Vampire and Human. Of course my life will last long like a normal vampire,but I could die like a normal human. I need you to cure this disease I have. I only can fight it for at least 3 more years before everyone finds out. Anyways, I also need you to be my anything. I will be taking you to a party in 3 days. I need you to be my boyfriend at the dance and I need you to play nice and be appropriate. Although in the future you are going to be anything I tell you to be do you understand" Kenan asked

"Yes" I said

"Any questions" Kenan asked coming closer

"What if I can't do it" I asked

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