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We got to the door and it was enormous. We were all still silent so Ava didn't explain how the door worked. All she did was touch the door and the door opened. We all went through and then everything went dark. I couldn't find Naga, Ava, or Sabir. I continued to walk forward because I was afraid of going back.

"Hello" I said not knowing if I wanted someone to answer or not

"You have to choose which door you really want to through" The man said

"Ok, what are my option" I asked

"Enyo's house or where Kenan is" The Man said

"Can I go to Enyo's house for 15 hours then go to Kenan" I asked

"Are you sure you want to do that" The Man ask

"I don't want to be anywhere really but I promised my sister that I would talk to Kenan" I said

"Ok then you 15 hours start as soon as you go through that door" The man said

I saw a light and went through the door.

"Sage, where have you been? Thought you got lost" Sabir said worried

"I'm fine, we should get going" I said pushing Sabir away

"We should get going, Melanie should have dinner ready by now" Ava said

Ava led us to the house and we were still mad at something. When we got there we saw dinner on the table and Melanie in the kitchen doing the dishes. She was really nice and she set up the table for 3 more people. We all had our food in silence and I don't think Melanie thought anything about it.

After we were done eating, Melanie took us to a separate room. I didn't want to be inside or near Sabir. So once I put my stuff down I went outside for a walk. I walked until I saw a big pond. I sat down and just started thinking about my life.

"Hey I see you found my thinking spot" Ava said sitting next to me

"Oh Ava how are you" I asked

"I'm fine, how about you" Ava asked

"Mad, sad, upset, betrayed. I don't know which one I feel the most but that is about right" I said

"Hey, sometime I talk to the pond when I have something on my mind. You should try, but I'll just be listening" Ava said

"Sigh, fine. Well I don't really know what I feel. I mean if I would have known that this was going to happen because of me. I would have left home a long time ago just so they would be safe. I didn't ask for them to make me happy all the time because I was going to have a hard time in the future. Now after this I'm going to have to talk to Kenan who is the reason my family is dead but my brother. Also, he just abandoned just to protect me. I didn't ask for him to protect me or reject his love just so he could protect me. Not only that he didn't even tell me what was going to happen. No one did and I don't like that everyone was lying to me. I trust everyone and they all lied to me and for what, To protect me and I didn't even ask. I'm a mess" I said covering my face

"Hey your upset and you have a lot on your mind now that you know the truth" Ava said patting my back

"How about you, now you know the truth about Sabir" I said

"To be honest I'm kinda upset, but he did it for his family and he kept me in mind. Although he did ease his memories of this place so he would forget this place. I don't really hate Sabir for choosing his family over me. Though... Well a long time ago my family died and I stayed here to be safe. I have been alone for so long that when I found out my love was near. I thought for sure I would finally be able to be with someone who wasn't an animal. At the time it really hurt that he rejected me, but I met Enyo and she is the reason I don't care anymore" Ava said

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