My Hell

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"Oh, your finally waking up" I heard Women say

"Now Doctor can we start" Another women said

"Yes, but wait until he says something" The first Women said

"..." I stayed silent

I didn't know where I was. I looked around and saw at least 10 people surrounding me. Most had clipboards and the others were messing with a small table. I was in a small room that was white. There was hardly any color, and everyone was also wearing white coats. I didn't know what to do, but I made sure to stay silent.

"Now, what is your name, young man. My name is Doctor Carla" Carla said

"...." I stayed silent

"That's ok. I'll just call you Mute. Anyways you must have a lot of questions. I would love to answer them" Carla asked


"Sigh fine, continue being silent, Mute. Though I still have to examine you. You may get lucky and be sold off" Carla smiled and got a needle

Thankfully, I didn't feel much pain since I could heal myself automatically. Though I was still wondering if I was dead or alive, or if what happened was just a dream. After they were done doing whatever they were doing they put cuffs on me and took me somewhere.

I found out that I was alive and what happened wasn't a dream. They took me down a hall that was filled with cages. I saw a lot of different people. They didn't all look like me or my people, but they were different from humans like us. They put me in a cell and looked at the door behind me. The handcuff automatically came off.

I don't know how long I was in this place but I felt like I was going to suffocate or go mad. It was almost the same everyday. Wake up, do tests with Carla while people were watching, eat disgusting food, and sleep. Sometimes Carla brings me in twice to recheck or do another test. She was really weird, but crazy and no one can say different. She has tried to make me talk almost everyday and sometimes she would touch me to see if I would even make a sound.

Thankfully only one person could make me work hard. Mom always told me that. She would tell me that either people would have one or more lovers. It wasn't weird to have more lovers or be any sexuality. Anyways the only difference about humans and creatures is how they love. They can't love anyone who isn't for them. Since she was not someone I loved or supposed to be with. Well her touching me doesn't affect me at all.

"You know Mute, your kind are really different from humans. I mean human men can get hard if you just touch them in the right place, but you kind of don't even flinch. We even tried professional, but it still didn't work. Your loyalty for your lover or lovers are amazing. I wish our kind were like that" Carla said


"Well anyways god is really looking out for you. You are different from your kind even if you have their blood. having the ability to heal automatically. Well we can't have that, so we decided to sell you to someone else rather than dissect. Unless we could get rid of your power it would be really troublesome. Well hope you find a good buyer" Carla said and the guard came and got me

They put me back in the cage and I went to the so-called bed. I laid down and tried to relax. Even though I was using my powers automatically, I still had a hard time since I've never really needed to use it. I would only use it for 6 hour 5 days a week to heal people or animals. Mom made sure I could use my magic. I went to bed and had my same nightmare of the night of my last birthday.

"Alright, get up and get undressed" The guard said banding on the cage

I did what he said since I really didn't care about anything by now. I undressed myself and went into another traveling cage naked. They put me in a van and then made sure I couldn't see anything. They put a cover over the cage and started the van.

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