Chapter 3

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My assailants find me laying on the ground and I sob, feeling upset with myself for wearing my onesie tonight. If it wasn't for this damn scrap of clothing, I probably could have hidden from them. But I couldn't, not when I stand out like a beacon in the dark forest with my white onesie.

I hear one of my assailants step up to me but I don't move. I just lay there, wishing I could wake up from this God awful nightmare.

He turns me over with his foot and forces me onto my back, but I don't meet his gaze. I just look up and search in between the treetops for the stars that are lighting up the night sky. They're the one good and beautiful thing about this horrid night that feels like my worst nightmare. An absolute goddamn nightmare.

"Look at me," I hear one of them say but their voice doesn't sound human. It sounds distorted like they're using a voice changer, and with Halloween being tomorrow, I'm sure that's exactly what they're using because there's no way they sound like that. As much as I hate to admit it, the voice changer is the perfect thing for my assailants to cover their tracks if I survive this. There's no way I'll be able to identify who they are without hearing their voice or seeing some sort of identifying mark like a tattoo or something that could tell me who they are. And believe me, in our small town, we know who everyone is. Especially since we all grow up together and attend the same schools.

"Look at me," I hear the same person repeat but I don't listen and just lay there, breathing heavily through my nose. When I don't obey, I feel one of them crush my sex with the bottom of their boot. I cry out in pain and sit up, wanting to get their foot off me. I reach for their ankle and they press their boot harder into me. I look up at their face, wanting to beg them with my eyes to stop what they're doing, and see that the person hurting me is the one who attacked me at my house. The one with the macabre mask that is downright sinister with its Xs for eyes and stitched mouth.

I try to slide out from under my assailant's foot, but he's not having it, and presses his foot harder into my sex, making me gasp into the quiet night that is only filled with the sounds of my heavy breathing and the faint sounds of the creatures in the forest.

"What do you want from me?" I ask and watch the one standing over me pull his foot off my mound to crouch down in front of me. He looks down at me with his vile mask, and I have to resist the urge to shiver when I meet his gaze. I look over his shoulder at the one with the fox mask and beg him with my eyes to help me but I don't have to see his eyes to know that he's grinning at my misery. This is exactly what they want. They want me to beg and cry until I lose all the fight in me.

"Don't look at him," the one with the vile mask commands, and I do what he says, hoping that by obeying him he'll stop whatever he's planning to do with me.

"Please let me go," I beg him, sitting up on my scraped knees. I hiss in pain when I bend my knees but push past it, hoping he'll take mercy on me. "I promise not to tell anyone about this. Just let me go."

I hear him chuckle under his mask and my heart just drops, knowing there's no way he's letting me go. Not tonight.

"Why me?" I ask as a tear drips down my cheek. I see his gloved hand reach out for me, and I flinch, pulling my face out of his reach, not wanting him to touch me. He leans towards me and grasps my chin in his hand, forcefully turning me back to him. He takes in my face before wiping my tear off my cheek.

"Your tears won't work on me. Not tonight," he says and rubs my tear between the tips of his gloved hands.

"What? What do you mean by that?" I ask confused by his words. The way he phrased it makes it sound like he's fallen prey to my tears before. Is this someone I'm close to? It can't be. The only person I'm really close to is my best friend, Jasmine. She would never be behind something like this.

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