Chapter 1

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Tonight is Mischief Night or as many around the world call it, Devil's Night. It's the night before Halloween and the one night a year our small town of Wenham, Massachusetts, turns a blind eye to what teenagers do and let us wreak havoc. It's been a long-running tradition in our town and one I've always despised. There are always crazy parties, pranks, and all sorts of acts of rebellion happening on this day, but as long as we don't burn down buildings or do anything too crazy my town doesn't care.

I've never cared for any it and have stayed home every year on this day, and this year is going to be no different. I'm going to stay home and watch my fill of horror movies while stuffing my face with Hot Cheetos and candy. My best friend, Jasmine, tried to convince me to go to the big party our senior class is throwing, but I immediately shot her down, not wanting any part of it. She pouted and told me I was no fun, and maybe I'm not, but I would much rather spend my night at home than be surrounded by my female classmates who hate me and look at me every day like they want to kill me.

Major pass.

I dress down into my fitted onesie that accents my curves. It's white, has long sleeves, and is covered in big red peppers and says 'Spicy' in big black cursive letters over my ass, which is so fitting for me because I'm feisty as fuck, and I love spicy food. It's like it was made for me.

I give myself a once-over in the mirror and smile when I see how good my cleavage and ass look in my onesie with its low V-neck and short shorts that cut off right below my butt cheeks

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I give myself a once-over in the mirror and smile when I see how good my cleavage and ass look in my onesie with its low V-neck and short shorts that cut off right below my butt cheeks. It's very revealing for a onesie but I love it because it makes me feel sexy and cute all at the same time.

Too bad I have no one to show it to, I think as I make my way down the stairs to the kitchen barefoot.

I grab everything I need for my movie night for one, which usually is a party for three, but this year my mom and step-dad couldn't be here to join me. They had to go out of town for a business meeting for the company they run together, and I didn't bother asking my best friend, Jasmine, to join me because I knew there was no way she would ever skip the biggest party of the year to hang out with me. No teenager who gets an invite skips that party except me. I'm sure I'm the only senior not making an appearance and I'm more than okay with that. I'm just going to spend my night home alone and am not bothered in the least bit. I'm used to spending a lot of time by myself anyway because I grew up an only child and didn't have many friends growing up. Loneliness has been my biggest companion throughout my life and tonight it will keep me company too.

I take all my junk food and my big cup of Dr. Pepper into the living room with me and settle down on the couch, surrounded by more junk food than I could ever eat, but I don't care. Tonight is my night to eat my weight in junk food and I'm going to do it without any remorse.

I tell our Amazon Alexa device to turn on the TV, not feeling like looking around for the television remote. When I see the TV come to life I ask Alexa to switch the input on the TV to the Roku, and snatch the Roku controller off the coffee table and open up Netflix. I grab my phone and look up the best horror movies on Netflix and go through a long list before settling on one called 'Hush.' The premise sounds interesting, so I figure it's the perfect movie to start my movie marathon.

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