Chapter 12 - Confusion

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"Focus Rey." I open my eyes to see her staring at me with wide eyes. "try again."

"How can you talk to the Past Jedi so easily?" She asks frustrated.

"Rey, I've been training for 11 years."

"No, you were able to hear them in your first year. Leia told me." She places her hands at her hips.

"Everyone is different Rey. Try again." I watch as she closes her eyes and whispers to herself. Eventually she opens her eyes and growls. "It will happen Rey. I promise." I place my hand on her cheek. Rey leans into my touch and smiles.

"I'm sorry Master. Will you duel with me?" I sigh and give her Luke's saber.

I unfold my saber and ignite it. We circle each other for a moment before she lunges at me. I block her swings and eventually fold up my saber, trapping hers inside it. I smiled and split my sabers in half. This time I lunge at her and she uses the force to stop my left saber. I eventually use the force to freeze her in her spot. I laugh and let her go.

"Wait how do you know how to do that?" She asks, wide eyed.

"Someone taught me." I smile.

"Kylo Ren."

"No. Ben Solo." I answer.

Rey sits down on a log and pats the spot next to her. I sit down next to her. "Can you please tell me about Ben?"

I look down to my bracelet and smile. "He was the most kindest man I've ever met. Even as a young boy he wanted to make me feel better. During our training he would often surprise me with different things like food or flowers. We sometimes would sneak into the temple late at night and take some food." I laugh. "He's my best friend." My face saddens.

"Can you please.....tell me what happened on that...night?" I instantly knew what she meant. "I only know what happened to Luke."

"It was my Birthday. I had just received this gift from Ben and Luke. And that night we celebrated. My favorite memory of Ben is when he danced with a little Padawan, and also when we both danced. But he acted strange. He was happy one moment. Then he was not. Then he walked me to my hut and then returned to his own. But I awoke that night by smoke and screaming. I witnessed him kill my friend Adam, and then he tried to kill me. But when he saw my bracelet, he stopped and told me to act dead. So hours later I heard Luke and R2, and that's when he found me. I then left and went to Tatooine, and found my boys." Rey was holding onto my hand for support.

"What did you do after that?"

"Well the boys and I trained. We ended up taking a year break after a year of training, so I stayed with Leia. I would often go on trips with Han, but he and Leia weren't doing so good. Luke is like a father to me, same with Han. And Leia, oh she's like my mother. I feel as if there is still something about me that she's not telling me though. About my parents."

"I feel the same." Rey looked away. I scrunched my face because I also knew about her. But she can't know right now.

"Alright, that's enough for today!" I smile and get up. "We will continue tomorrow." I pick up my things and walk back to base, where I see Leia. "Can we talk?"

"Of course Y/N." She grabs my hand and leads me to her quarters. I sit down at her table and she sits across from me. "What do you need to talk about."

"You know something about me. About my parents. There's a secret that you know about me. I want to know. I deserve to know." I demand

"Y/N I-"

"No! Don't tell me you can't tell me. This is different than Rey. Right?" I cut her off.

Leia sighs. "Y/N. Your mother was never just a Pilot in the old war. The father you think you knew on Yavin wasn't your real father." I open my mouth in shock, Leia raises her hand to stop me from asking and questions. "You were stolen at the age of 7. Stolen"

"Wait. Stolen? You? Are you my mother?" Leia only nods. She looks away with tears in her eyes. "So that makes Ben my....twin?" I look away in shock.


"Why didn't you tell me! Why didn't you search for me?" I stand up suddenly. "I could of left with Poe, instead of thinking about a dead mother who wasn't even my real mother. I instead stayed with that monster of a father." I back away towards the door.

"Y/N. Please sit down." I shake my head and instead leave. So this is the reason Luke was so close with me, he's my uncle.

And Han...... this is insane.

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