Chapter 10 - confessions

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I crawl around in the vents trying to find where Finn and Rose are. Finally I find them right before they are going to be executed. But before I can jump down, there is an explosion.


I wake up to ringing in my ears. I look up and see Finn fighting the Silver Trooper. I get up but yell in pain when I try to walk, I had a huge shard of metal in my thigh. "Y/N!" Finn yells. He runs over and helps me walk.

"Hey! Need a lift?" Rose yells. We get into one of the First Order ships and I prepare to fly.

"There!" I point. "That's where they are. Crait." Rose helps me fly us down. "Alright they are shutting the door, hurry! They are gonna think we are First Order members."

We make it into the base but they keep shooting. We all throw our hands out. "Stop! It's us! We are good!" We all yell.

"Finn? Rose? Your not dead! Where's my droid!" Bb-8 rolls up to him and I watch as he hugs and rubs the little droid.

"Ow careful!" I yelp.

"Y/N?" Poe runs up to me and hugs me. We stare at each other for a moment before he pulls me in for a kiss.

"Ahem." I hear Leia say from behind Poe. I pull away and smile.

"Y/N! Your hurt!" Poe yells.

"Pull it out." I close my eyes. Poe gently pulls it out, I bite my lip to stop myself from screaming. I open my eyes when I feel someone embrace me. "Chris!" Hey I'm okay! The other boys come up and hug me also.

"Alright people we need to hurry. The First Order is coming." Poe yells. "What do we have here?"

"Rotting munitions, rusted artillery, some half gutted skim speeders." Rose says.

"Well, let's just pray that big ass door holds long enough for us to get help." Poe looks at me while I wrap my leg. Suddenly the ground starts to shake.

"A battering ram cannon." Finn says as he looks outside.

"A what now?" I say

"Miniaturized Death Star Tech. It'll crack that door open like an egg." Finn looks at me worriedly.

"There has to be a back way out of here right?" Poe looks around. Bb-8 starts to beep sadly.

"BB-8 has analyzed the mine's schematics. This is the only way in or out." C-3PO says.

"Come on. We have allies, people believe in Leia. They'll get out message, they'll come. But we gotta buy time. We gotta take out that cannon." I say as Leia comes closer to me. She hugs me and smiles. "I'm sorry I couldn't bring him home." I half smiled.

"Y/N it's okay. I knew he wouldn't." She looks away.

"We need to use the Speeders." Poe announces. A group of people raise their hand, including me. "Oh no, your not coming. Your injured."

"I'll be fine. I'm a Jedi, I can do this Poe." He rolls his eyes and the rest of us get into the old speeders and get them outside.

"Alright listen up. I don't like these rust buckets and I don't like our odds but.....what the hell." I laugh at Poe but immediately shut up when he continues. " just keep it tight and don't get drawn in too close till they roll that cannon out front. Alright ground forces, lay down some fire!" Poe yells into coms. "Fighters break off! Come on we gotta hold them till they pull up that cannon!" All the ties were after us, killing us one by one.

Then we see the millennium Falcon! And all the fighters followed it. "She pulled them all off! Rey did it!" I yelled.

"Oh they hate that ship!" Finn laughed. We pull through and continue to the cannon. "Okay, it's heavily armored. Our only shot is right down the throat!" My eyes widen as the cannon opens. "The cannons opening, this is our chance!" He yells.

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