Arc 4 Chapter 33: Undying Love

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The Villain did not look at the younger man as her voice echoed out quiet and clear in the still room.

Jun clenched his jaw. "I thought it over and I'm certain you must care for me a little! Why else did it take you three years to transfer your Qi to me? If your only intention was to ruin your meridians and be rid of Qi then you could have simply done so much quicker! Instead you chose to do so slowly, teaching me for three years..."

S quietly laughed as her voice grew spiteful. "Haha. Believe what you want-"

In an instant the Villain found the man towering over her in the bed, her hands tightly held.

"What are you-!" Just as she looked up she peered deep into a pair of black dejected eyes. "Ah..."

"I don't believe you!" The young man quietly whispered in a bitter tone.

"You who saved me! You who took me in, who tirelessly trained me... you who gave me your Qi..." 

After thinking about it Jun couldn't understand the woman's actions, she had to at least care for him in some way... right?

The Villain saw the conflict in the man's eyes, she had almost been swayed but instead she silently sighed, she wouldn't drag him in. 

She wouldn't.

For what would it accomplish?

No matter what she would die in the end leaving him, so why would she cruelly give him hope when there was none?

With ice cold eyes she stared back. "I didn't save you. You were a simple tool, a toy, nothing more-" Instantly the Villain's cruel words were stopped as her mouth was blocked.


The man viciously pulled her into a fierce kiss. 

The Villain felt the man's warm lips pressed against her but they were desperate with only the bitter feeling of isolation felt the deeper she was pulled in, it was as if the meaning behind the kiss was asking for a confirmation she could not give.


Suddenly the sharp sound of skin being struck rang out, it was fierce and quick as a lone man held his cheek in painful surprise.

Although he had long gotten used to pain, the feeling of a hand slapped against his cheek stung more than anything he had ever felt.

"HA you really think I care for a mutt I picked up off of a whim?! I've told you before I'll tell you again, you mean nothing to me. I simply stayed around for three years since it was entertaining watching you suffer but now I'm tired." Her words were cold and sharp leaving no room for doubt. 

They cut into the air like a knife as they stabbed Jun's heart.

In that moment Jun's wide eyes turned saddened and dejected, he knew that the woman thought little of him, he already knew that she had no room in her heart for him but her words still hurt more than he ever could have imagined.

The room was completely silent for a minute, just as the Villain once again planned to silently turn away and sleep for the night, a solemn voice rang out.

"You said before you wanted to die.... why is that?"

Jun remembered Huizhens words but he wanted to hear the woman's reasoning herself.

The Villain considered her character and chose an appropriate answer. "I already told you, I am tired of existing."

Jun: "I'm sorry."

"Hmmm?" The Villain was confused and certain she had heard wrong. 

In the next instance she felt something she never thought she would experience.

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