Arc 4 Chapter 17: Undying Love

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Making his way to the sound of the waterfall, Jun felt his mind cleared with only thoughts of how much he despised his Sensei's cruel teachings.

Walking up to the water's clearing he looked at the cool water feeling a sense of refreshment. 

He felt now was as good a time as any to clear his mind and body. 

Placing the handful of new robes that he had been carrying down on the grassy ground, he began to undo the top of his robe revealing his defined toned upper body.

Just as he planned to walk forward into the blue spring water he suddenly noticed something, a familiar dark robe sat resting a few feet away on the ground near the water's edge...

Jun: "....."

Instantly Jun's body grew stiff realizing he was not alone, blankly he turned his body forward towards the misty cool water. 

The surface that had been calm and ever still suddenly began to ripple as a body appeared above the water breaking the surface tension of the calm pool.

Jun's heart tightened, he felt it would be best to quickly disappear without making his presence known, but as he gazed at the waters surface he suddenly began to grow captivated.

Jun looked at the pool of water and his eyes couldn't help but be drawn to the bare snowy back that now faced him.

She stood her back straight and beautiful, her long black hair wet and dripping lightly fell across her shoulders encasing the woman's back and body. 

As the sun beamed down through the trees it highlighted her skin making it appear extra glossy and smooth, tender with a subtle warmth. 

In the waterfall setting the woman appeared especially beautiful, like an otherworldly water fairy.

The scene was dazzling. 

Jun was enchanted as he watched from afar, all thoughts of retreating seemed stifled in his now blank mind.

His heart swiftly beat as he felt a feeling of life burst through his soul.

Suddenly as S was focused meditating in the water she sensed an unfamiliar presence behind, immediately she grew stiff, how long had the presence been there? She hadn't expected anyone to be in the vicinity so she didn't pay attention.

Without turning around she concentrating on the Qi in the area, soon she realized just who it was. 

"Ah, you climbed up quicker then expected..." Her voice suddenly filled the quiet forest area. Although it was calm, it held a fierceness as it echoed behind her through the softly rustling trees.

Hearing his Sensei's words Jun was immediately broken out of his daze, this time it was his turn to grow stiff.

Coming back to his senses he realized just what he had been doing, instantly he turned his body away as he no longer dared gaze towards waters edge or his Sensei!

Sensing Jun no longer looking the Villain lightly sighed, without a word she made her way back to the edge of the water and began dressing herself in the new silky black robe she had previously picked out.

Now they were simply a few meters away back to back.

Without looking behind S  began to cruelly speak. "Haha good job for getting up the summit so fast, you surprised me..." Her voice slightly trailed as she fully dressed in her robe. 

"It seems you are growing exceptionally fast, even your body seems to have grown, ha how fun. It won't be long before I can kill you and devour your body of all it's Qi." Although her voice remained calm her words were brutal.

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