Arc 3 Chapter 2: Royal Knight

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After looking over the world's current plot, the villain decided to further look into it by going to the castle's library.

Upon stepping out of her room the surrounding guards took a few steps back.

"W-why is Miss leaving her room." One guard nervously spoke.

Princess Sylvia coldly responded. "I am going to the library."


Silently Sylvia walked to the library where the body's memory was familiar with. Taking out some books she looked over the most recent history submitted.

It seems she was ten years before the end of the story. She was currently sixteen and would be twenty six by the end of the story.

She was already in an arranged marriage with the first prince.

Prince Keefe.

At this point, Prince Valentine was twelve and was speculated to have the most potential and be future king but not yet confirmed.

By the end of the story he and Princess Mirabelle would be twenty two. They meet when they are both twelve.

'Hmm so that's how it is...'

Silently Sylvia walked back to her room, upon reaching the door, a platter of delicious looking food was placed on the ground.

Indifferently she grabbed it and walked into her room.

As she placed it on the nearest table the aroma was too much and the villain couldn't help but want to try it.

Greedily she took a bite expecting it to taste delicious. But her expectations were deceived as the food's flavor was too bland. Moreover, it seemed to lack an essential ingredient.


'System, Locate him.'

Yes Host. Initializing soul finder. Due to world's size, it will take two and a half weeks to analyze the correct soul for this world.

The villain tiredly signed as she continued to coldly eat the food before her.

However, before she could finish, a light knock was heard at the door.


"...L-lady Sylvia, you hav-have received a summon from the N-nation of Dandar. They w-want you to i-immediately come, i-it's regarding the su-succession for the crown in Dandar."

Sylvia indifferently responded. "Alright...Prepare me a carriage..." 

"Y-yes....L-lady Sylvia." Frightened, the little servant ran away while Sylvia started to get ready. 

It was a big day after all, this was the day Prince Valentine would be crowned future successor to the crown, it was also the day lady Sylvia's heart cracked and she embraced her role as the villain.

After a while the Villain walked out towards the carriages, knowing full well that no one would come and escort her. No one wanted to get within a 10 meter radius, even the horse carriage driver tried to scooch as far away from the outer carriage as he could.

Strangely enough though, the horses did not react to her presence at all. 

'They say animals can judge a true person's character. Come to think of it, that man's kind of like a little puppy...' Thinking this unknowingly Sylvia's cold eyes slightly twinkled with laughter for a second before she got into the carriage.

The surrounding guards who were close enough to see almost jumped out of their skin. Who knew the lightning demon could look so innocent, so...dazzling... Their hearts almost skipped a beat looking into the young ladies eyes.

No...No! It had to be an illusion! They all believed as they rubbed their weary eyes. Before they could confirm whether or not it was real, Sylvia's carriage left, disappearing into the wide stony road.

It was not long before Princess Sylvia reached the capital of Dandar, she was a princess after all, therefore she had some of the fastest horses in her kingdom. 

Moreover, any traffic would naturally move out of the way, not only because she was royalty, but also because they feared the supposed lightning demon queen residing inside.

Finally she reached her destination.

Upon getting out of the carriage she was met with an entourage of maids who were waiting outside at Dandars castle gates.

Although they kept their space, they were still more bold than her maids back in Canta. 

Of course they had heard the notorious rumors surrounding Sylvia, but because they lived in another country they were less inclined to believe such things.

That's why they only stayed five feet away at all times...

Silently they led Sylvia through a large corridor to a large ballroom one that held all the nobles and officials.

*Desert Note: Sorry, more of a political chapter, but just wait (๑・ω-)~♥"

Also, I am currently working on a webtoon that will be about 4-5 chapters long, so it is likely that arc 4 may be slightly delayed due to this, but I will be keeping regular updates for this arc. 

If I'm not too nervous/embarrassed I will share the webtoon name later and I hope you give it a read if that happens! ♥~('▽^人) 

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