Arc 4 Chapter 14: Undying Love

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As S and Jun walked down the streets, S silently walked forward having a particular goal in mind. 

The Villain knew it was almost time for the finale of there visit, the reason why she had insisted coming to this city in the first place. 

Like this she continued to walk forward, and as she walked she passed by many delicious smelling food stalls.

Slowly but surely her footsteps began to grow slower and slower... 

'Hmmm, now that I think about it... I have yet to try this worlds cuisine.'

Truthfully the Villain had yet to taste this world's food. For over two and a half years she had been atop a mountain and missing out on many things, one being food. Although her cultivation level was high enough that she no longer needed to eat, she still wanted to taste test this world's food before leaving. (As mentioned before, her body is essentially that of an immortal so she doesn't need to eat)

The Villain looked back at Jun, she hadn't eaten his cooking either... For the past two and a half years his cultivation had been low enough that he still needed nutrients. However when he needed to eat something he simply picked raw fruit or vegetables that grew atop the summit, he consumed food for nutrients nothing more, so he hadn't cooked like she expected. 

Still even if he did cook the Villain wouldn't have eaten, this world was different, she would no longer rely on Jun and in turn maybe she would no longer feel the guilt that slightly lingered in her soul from the last world.

The Villain sighed as she looked at all the food stalls, she refused to go without trying this world's food! With that mentality she looked back at Jun.

"Hey Mutt, I shouldn't show my face too much around here, so go to the noodle stall and purchase a bowl of noodles for me." With that she tossed Jun a few coins.

Jun was confused as he looked down at the silver coins in his hand. "Noodles? Are you going to eat noodles?"

"Yes, who else?"

"But you don't need to eat..."

"Don't question my instructions. I am capable of eating if I want to, now go."

With that S sat on a rock nearby retreating to her thoughts leaving Jun to carry out the task.

Jun sighed as he looked down at the silver coins placed in his hands, he knew not to disagree with the woman so he slowly walked over to the noodle bowl stand. 

Walking to the food stall three other customers were waiting in line while someone just got their own noodle bowl, Jun glanced at the steaming bowl of noodles as he suddenly thought about the action he was about to do.

"I'm going to get a bowl of noodles... for Sensei to eat."

"Sensei is going to eat a foreign bowl of noodles made by some stranger..."

"....foreign noodles..."

Suddenly Jun started to frown, no longer liked the thought of doing such a task.

"She doesn't even need to eat, why does she want a bowl of noodles..." Jun began to grow slightly bitter.

He couldn't understand why, but as he thought about doing such a task he felt a lump in his throat while his hands grew numb over even picturing it.

The line grew shorter as someone else got their bowl. Meanwhile Jun was growing more and more agitated having a silent crisis.... over noodles....

He began to feel a cold sweat as his heart anxiously beat.

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