Arc 3 chapter 1: Royal Knight

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As the villian opened her dark mist eyes, she found herself in the middle of a luxurious large tub.


Silently she mused over her new body before getting out to find some clothes. 

Walking out of the bathroom the villain found herself walking into a more luxurious large suit filled with old Victorian style furniture. Quickly finding the wardrobe she changed before looking into a mirror.

"Not bad..."

The villain had long dark blue silky hair with slightly curled ends. Her body was that of a sixteen year old and already she had the appearance of an evil seductress, befitting that of a villain. 

Maybe she would look more innocent if the body smiled more but by the stiff facial features, the villain could already tell that the original body didn't smile much, if at all.

System, send me the data for this world.

Reporting to host, initiating data on world.

"This is a Fantasy Monarch world, it is called "Royal Knight." In this world there exists magic. The ones who possess the strongest magic in each country are the Monarch. This story focuses on two main countries. Dandar to the west which is the most powerful nation and Ofstan in the east which is the poorest nation among eight other nations. In Dandar the Monarch possesses Dark magic while in Ofstan the Monarch possesses Light magic. The ML in this world is Prince Valentine, the third prince in Dandar, one of seven prince's. Although he was not first born, because he possessed the strongest innate magic he was set to become the next king. Only the strongest magic user can become King/Queen. However, because of  his great power he was deeply hated among his siblings and others who sought the throne leading him to grow up a cold and distant child. Along the way Prince Valentine met Princess Mirabelle, sole princess to the East country of Ofstan. Her country and people had always suffered and as sole successor she felt obligated to take on the responsibility of supporting them all. After the two met, Prince Valentine treated her coldly like everyone else until she saved him from a life threatening event and healed him. After which, the third Prince became intrigued with her and decided to make a contract with Princess Mirabelle. The contract stated that if Prince Valentine was able to live and become the next King he would marry Princess Mirabelle so that she could save her country. All Princess Mirabelle had to do was become his secret knight, saving him and healing him when necessary. Princess Mirabelle agreed to the conditions, setting in motion her position as his fiance. That's where the villain (you) Princess Sylvia comes in. Princess Sylvia belonged to the country Canta, the second strongest nation, it's Monarch possessing lightning magic. Furthermore, the nation of Canta is the #1 enemy to Dandar. Although the two countries were not at war, there was great civil unrest. In order to save her country, at a young age Princess Sylvia agreed to an arranged marriage with Dandar's First Prince Keefe. She thought that if he became King then the civil unrest between the two countries would become resolved. her dream was ultimately crushed though after Prince Valentine was crowned future King. Thinking she could instead become his fiance, her hopes were again completely crushed, as, after he was announced future successor, he also claimed Princess Mirabelle, future queen of Ofstan to be his fiance. All this shattered what was left of Princess Sylvia's heart, now that her fiance's position as future King was no longer guaranteed, she knew that possible peace between Dandar and Canta was impossible. One day the two countries would go to war. Deciding not to give up, Princess Sylvia did the only thing she knew how, and that was to make Prince Keefe the next King using any means possible. After which, she resorted to many methods in order to kill or cripple Prince Valentine. All of which were unsuccessful, one of her methods almost worked except the FL Princess Mirabelle showed up saving and healing Prince Valentine leading the two to form a bond. After words Sylvia continued to try many methods all leading to no success. Finally Prince Valentine succeeded the throne and became King along the way he had fallen deeply in love with Princess Mirabelle and as promised the two became married. After which the two got rid of Princess Sylvia by having her dragged to the guillotine and executed. After her death the civil unrest between Canta and Dandar erupted, but because Dandar was more powerful and had more alliances, it quickly decimated Canta. Taking all the resources from the fallen country. Prince Valentine gifted them to Princess Mirabelle's country Ofstan, while those who survived Canta's ruin either starved or fled.

Your Status: Princess Of Canta, second strongest Nation.

Name: Princess Sylvia

Current age: 16

'Hmmm, so this time I'm fighting a prince and princess for the throne.'

However, the villain was still confused about something. Although she was royalty, belonging to the second strongest nation and had a luxurious room, there were no maids around. Quickly she decided to search for the original's memories.

Princess Sylvia was the fourth child born into the Canta Royal family, however, like prince Valentine, although she was not first born she was still by far the strongest out of anyone leading her to be crowned the future Queen.

After all, as a law, the strongest magic user would become the candidate for the throne.

Yet, her magic was not a blessing, it was too strong for even her to control, often leading her to lash out around others if her emotions were not held in check.

Over the years, her parents, siblings, maids and guards, all became terrified of her and the lightning she produced. This led everyone to silently hate and fear Princess Sylvia.

Later Sylvia decided to request no personal maids or guards. The only guards around were the ones that would routinely guard the perimeter, and the only maids left were a few that would leave washed clothes and food outside her door.

All this lead Sylvia to live a pretty solitary life.

But that was not the end, because Sylvia's emotion's led to her power spiraling out of control; she promised to never show any more of her expressions.

All this grew in Princess Sylvia heart as she became cold and calculating, because she was still supposed to be the next queen, she believed it was her duty to guarantee her country's safety no matter what, that meant she would risk her feelings and position if it meant the safety of her country. It also led her to attack Prince Valentine ruthlessly. 

If his death meant peace between the two countries then it was worth it. After all, if she could save millions by killing one, then she would readily dirty her hands.

*Desert Note: Sorry, I know it's a lot of info, but bare with it as understanding it is important. Basically to summarize, there are three important nations 

Dandar: The ML's nation. The ML is the third prince, prince Valentine.

Canta: The Villains nation. 

Ofstan: The FL's nation

Dandar is the strongest nation, Canta the second strongest. They are enemy nations. Although they are not at war there is a lot of tension between the two. The Villain is engaged to the first prince of Dandar thinking it will help avoid war between Dandar and Canta if the first prince becomes King. The King is decided based on who has the most magic power.

That's all you need to remember for now, next chapter will explain it a bit more. 

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